CHAPTER 22: Under The Rain Michelle

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Michelle's POV

I walked into my office and sat in my desk still wondering what the heck just happened in Hyunmin's office.
I walked into his office having already practice all the cooked up stories about my date with Seungwon, I walked in all excited as I narrated how my date went with Seungwon, but that's when things went haywire.
I could already see he was getting really pissed to extent that I could see invisible smoke coming out of his ears and nose like a cartoon character, he completely lost it when I said Seungwon kissed me. He stood from his seat with a somewhat devilish expression on his face as he slowly walked towards me like a predator about to corner it's prey.
He came so close to me until I was backed into a corner, he blow his breathe on my cheeks which caused me to close my eyes and he even whispered in my ears.
I could feel goosebumps raising on my skin as I shivered all over, I opened my eyes and stared directly into his, he looked at with so much intensity I completely lost consciousness of anything else happening around me; I could only see his eyes and live in that moment.
I couldn't quite tell what I saw in his eyes; was it love? was it lust? Or was it purely acting on what he felt, I wasn't even sure about his intentions but all rational thoughts fled my mind when he kissed me, the kiss intensified as he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to his chest, I was slowly melting away like butter in his arms but I had to stop him before things got out of control.
I hit my head on the table and screamed out of frustration, I didn't even know what to do now.
Should I be happy that I finally got confirmation that he has feelings for me?
Or should I be happy that he may now think I'm an easy girl cause his cousin kissed me?
My head was about to explode, I didn't know what to do and am guessing I went too far with the Seungwon kissed me part. I couldn't even tell Jiyoon cause it's just so embarrassing for me, why did I have to exaggerate? Why!!! I kept asking myself and I blame my stupidity.

  "Don't get yourself confused Hyunmin"
I went to a bar I usually frequent to meet my long-time friend Lee Yeon-U.
I felt I was really going to lose my sanity if I didn't tell anyone about all the emotions running around inside me, so I decided to meet Yeon-U.
I narrated everything about Michelle and how I felt around her, I also told him about what happened a few moments before I came to see him which caused him to almost choked on his drink.
     "I know I was out of line but I just don't know what came over me, I just went beserk and I rearly ever lose control over my emotions like that"
     "Well, that was unexpected but I've come to only one conclusion"
      "And what's that?"
  "You like her or rather you're in love with her cause to me what you feel is stronger than just a simple likeness"
I was stupified, I always knew what I was feeling for Michelle was very similar to when I feel in love with YeonJu but it's much stronger and I didn't want to admit it.
    "That can't be it"
  "Hyunmin! It been four long years since YeonJu died, I think it's about time you open up and learn to love someone else, I mean you hardly recognize your own emotions anymore"
I knew exactly what I was feeling, I was just dening it.
I left the bar and went home having confirmed the fact that I'm in love with Michelle.
   Yes! I'm in love with Michelle but I'm not what she needs
I'm someone with too many problems that's always a fighting silent battles, a toxic family, and surrounded by judgemental people who won't waste a second to tear her to pieces.
I didn't want her to have to deal with all that so it's better I stay away before my feeling for her grow deeper.

Hyunmin has been avoiding me for one week straight up after the office incident; he started acting aloof and cold again like when we first meet. I was trying to bring up the topic but he was constantly shutting me out. I didn't know what was going on and I was so desperate to at least know what he was thinking but as always he is a very difficult person to understand.
I was in a dilemma cause I didn't know if I should hit my head on the wall for doing something so stupid or I should congratulate myself for ruining my good image in front of Hyunmin, I was so frustrated with everything.
I eventually told Jiyoon about everything that happened and even she scolded me for going too far with the lies even though the plan was a really stupid idea, I also couldn't help but be annoyed with Hyunmin; he could at least face me and not just avoid the whole matter, I know I made him jealous but I didn't know he would kiss me so why ignore me now. He was always going off and on with me like a light switch and it's was frustrating the hell out of me.
    "Hello Jiyoon, are you available?"
    "For What?"
  "Let's go have Soju at that restaurant we always go, I'm really going to lose my mind if I don't have some alcohol tonight"
   "I'm really sorry Michelle but I have a dinner date with Minjae"
    "Ooh I see, well I'll go alone then"
  "I'm really really sorry Michelle, I swear I'll make it up to you next time" Jiyoon hung up the call, I heaved a sigh as I couldn't help but feel sad. I went to some random restaurant as I didn't want to go to the one Jiyoon and always frequent cause I'd only feel more alone as she wasn't with me.
I got heavily drunk after I had a few shots, I had very low alcohol tolerance so I got drunk pretty quickly but at least it help me get over my problems for a while.
I suddenly got a call out of nowhere and I answered as I saw the caller ID.
    "You… jerk! What…..the hell do you want"
    "Michelle, are you drunk! where are you right now?"
   "And…..and why should I…..tell you where I am, huh! Why….. should you care?"
      "Please just tell me where you are now"
     "Whatever, fine….. I'll text you the address and stop yelling…… al…ready your voice is too loud. It's pissing me off"
I could barely see the screen of my phone but I still managed to send him the address, I thought about leaving for a moment cause I was still angry at him but my subconscious self somehow knew I couldn't get home on my own so I had to wait for him.
As I waited for Hyunmin some random guy showed up and sat in front of me, he was acting very weird and looked suspicious, then all of a sudden he started groping my legs up to my thighs under the table. I whacked him on the face with my bag and immediately left after cursing him a few times, I didn't quite know the neighborhood but I knew I had to get away. I heard footsteps trail behind me as I walked down the street, I slowly turned my head only to see the pervert from earlier following me, I started running but I couldn't run fast cause I was drunk, he soon caught up to me and I immediately knew I was in big trouble.
He grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me against the wall, I struggled and tried to kick him but all was to no avail. The worst part was he did all this in a place where everyone could see us but no one did anything, all the passers by just stared for a bit and moved on despite seeing me get molested, they just ignored it.
    Is this really that common here that it's become a norm for a girl to get harassed in public and everyone just ignores it
    I tried struggling some more but the bastard just wouldn't budge, he said some weird stuff in Korean that I couldn't understand as he was bringing his face close to me neck then all of a sudden someone grabbed his hoddie from behind and rained punches on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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