CHAPTER 18: Transformation

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Hyunmin's  POV

"Beomgyu! Has She resumed Yet?"
"No Sir, but I will inform you as soon as she does"
It has been one whole month since Michelle has been absent from work, She called Beomgyu the day after we had the argument telling him that she had a family emergency and she won't be coming to work for a while. Beomgyu passed the message to me and I immediately knew it was because what happened at my studio, because I remember her telling me she had no family.
I asked him every single day if she had come back but I always got disappointed everytime he gave me the same answer.
The guilt of the way I mistreated her has been haunting me since that day, I knew deep down that I overeacted and I shouldn't have insulted her.
The tears I saw in her eyes felt like a dagger was plunged into my chest, I really regret saying all those hurtful things to her but I have no choice but to wait till she comes back because I owed her a huge apology and I hope she forgives me.

"And Do You think YeonJu would be happy to see you like this; living the rest of your life mourning her and refusing to move on"

These words constantly repeated itself in my mind, In a way I was starting to believe Michelle was right; I can't continue holding on to YeonJu, she would be disappointed to see me, she always told me to be kind and to always be happy no matter the situation I was in but I have been doing the exact opposite of that. I have always blamed myself for her death but now I ask myself
"What difference would it make if I was there that day"
The fire would still have killed her,  I wasn't a hero nor a firefighter so my presence would still have meant nothing. YeonJu's passing pained me alot and I found it hard to let go which is why I am always overprotective of anything that belonged to her.
I sighed breaking away from my train of thoughts, I stood up from my chair and walked to the glass frames that surrounded my office, I didn't want to admit it at first but I was missing Michelle badly; her funny and quirky attitude, how diligently she worked, how she would call me boss, and most of all her beautiful smile. I missed everything about her, I missed her more than a boss should miss an employee.

I arrived at work the next day as usual but I never expected something so shocking to happen.
  The company telephone on my desk started ringing, I picked up the call to hear Beomgyu speaking.
   "Sir, I have news for you"
I gave an exasperated sigh before speaking
   "What is it now Beomgyu?"
"Michelle called in this morning, She said she is resuming today and she is on her way now"
I exclaimed as I jumped out of my seat in utter surprise
   "Yes Sir, she will be here any minute"
I couldn't believe my ears, I was already starting to get worried that she would one day just send an email with her resignation letter instead of coming back to work.
    "Alright, inform me immediately she arrives"
  "Yes Sir"
It felt like time had suddenly slowed down as I kept glancing at my wristwatch and pacing back and forth in my office, I was anticipating her arrival so much I couldn't contain myself, I even looked at the mirror in my office several times to be sure I looked good.
At this point I laughed at myself cause I was acting like a husband eagerly waiting for his wife who travelled, then the call I have been waiting for finally came.
    "She is here Sir"
I rushed to the elevator and headed to the receptionist floor, I just couldn't wait to see her and I didn't even know why I was so excited.
     "Where is She?"
  "She will come in any moment"
Just about two minutes after Beomgyu talked someone walked in who made  Beomgyu practically freeze, he had a look of shock on his face as he stared at the person coming through the door.
I looked at him with creased brows wondering who he was staring at not knowing I would be shocked myself, I followed the direction he was looking
   "Good morning Beomgyu"
She was wearing a fitted white blouse with a tied ribbon in the front and a red high-waist trouser that asentuated her figure nicely. She wore a pair of pointy tipped black heels matched with a black handbag, her hair was at waist length with beautiful curls at the tip falling in waves down her shoulders, a little part of her hair from the middle parting she did was dyed white from the roots all through to the tip while the rest was black.
She was also wearing light make up with cherry red lipstick.
I couldn't believe my eyes nor my brain when I realized the person standing in front me now carrying herself with so much elegance and class is none other than Michelle.
I was too stunned to say a word, all I could do was gape like a fish out of    water.

  Everything about her had changed; the way dressed, the way she talked, her overall attitude and countenance, even the way she walked had changed.
She turned her head towards me but I could immediately see the smile on her face dwindle downwards a bit the moment she looked at me though she tried not to let it show.
She bowed deeply and greeted
   "Good Morning Sir"
I felt she was being too official because she would usually just bow slightly to greet me and she was now calling me Sir instead of Boss.  I couldn't blame her for anything, she was obviously being cold and distant because she was still angry.

   I mean who wouldn't be after what I did?

   "I will go on ahead Sir cause I have a lot of work waiting for me, I will be in my office if you need anything"
With that said she turned around and walked to the elevator, I followed her with my eyes and so was everyone else walking around the receptionist area including Beomgyu.
Everyone was gawking at her like a celebrity but I couldn't blame them; she was too beautiful not to notice and her sudden transformation was also quite shocking.
She had entered the lift but people were still staring at the door as if a magic hand was writing words on it, Beomgyu lightly shook his head in an attempt to compose himself before he said in a high pitched voice.
     "Alright! Alright!! Get back to work people"
  Everyone seemed to snap out of their daze as they all went on back to their business.  I took the lift with Beomgyu up to my office thinking of a thousand and one ways to apologize to Michelle. ಠ_ಠ

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