CHAPTER 13: A Cat and Its Owner

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Hello Fans, Sorry I haven't posted any chapters this week, but I'm back now to give you the best content. Please feel free to give me your opinions about the characters and the chapters so far.

And Don't forget

With Love From Blackish Ivy 💯❤️❤️

Hyunmin and Michelle returned to Seoul after the conference, also successfully gaining new clients for the company.
     "Ooh! Little kitty you're here again today"
Michelle was enjoying her cup of chamomile tea on a Saturday morning when she got interrupted by the crashing sound of something on her terrace. She got up from the couch to take a look at what was causing the ruckus.
  "Ooh No! Little kitty, you broke my flower pot"
  Michelle squatted to look at the mess on the floor but the white-furred cat suddenly flinched back in fear.
  "It's okay little kitty, I didn't mean to startle you. It's just a flower pot, I won't hurt you okay? Don't be scared"
  She stood up while smiling down at the cute little cat
  "I'm sure your hungry kitty so come inside and I'll find something for you to eat"
    The cat seemed to have understood her words and followed her inside obediently.
  Michelle got a can of sardines and put a few in a small bowl for the cat. The cat didn't seem to be hungry as it followed Michelle around while purring and meowing playfully.
    "Well, It seems I was wrong when I said you were hungry"
  Michelle giggled at the cat's cute behavior, she scooped the cat in her arms and walked to the couch to sit. She was rubbing the cat's soft fur when she noticed the collar around its neck.
The cat's name was written on it along with what seemed like the owner's phone number.
   "Lily! What a beautiful name kitty, I'm sure this must be your owner's number. You must have gotten lost but don't worry, I will call your owner and take you back home Lily"
Michelle picked up her phone and dialed the number, she spoke to the other person on the line and wrote down the address she was given.
  "Since I'm less busy today, I'll take you back to your owner"
She quickly got dressed and headed to the address she was given alongside Lily.
After about 45 minutes in the taxi, Michelle finally arrived in front of the place that was described to her, it was a relatively big flower shop with different varieties of beautiful flowers.
Michelle gingerly walked into the shop while silently looking around. She had always been a flower lover, she had a delighted smile on her face as she saw all the flowers and inhaled their fragrance.
She saw all kinds of beautiful flowers like; Orchids, Roses, daisies, Sunflowers, especially Ivies and Lilies which were her personal favorite.
Michelle continued her tour of the shop completely forgetting to look for the shopkeeper or the owner.
   "Excuse me, Are you the one who found Lily"
Michelle was frightened, she instantly turned her head to the voice she heard to see who it was.
     "What is your name, Young Lady?"
A woman in her early fifties was standing in front of Michelle. She wasn't dressed extravagantly but her outfit and composure screamed elegance.
     "Umm….Michelle Parker"
  What captivated Michelle about the woman was her radiant beauty and calmness, her countenance was that of a wise woman.
     "I'm Jeon Sayuri"
She looked at the cat in Michelle's arms and smiled.
   "Thank you so much for bringing back Lily, she got lost weeks ago"
   "She started coming into my terrace a week ago. I saw her collar and the information on it so I figured she got lost"
    "Once again thank you, Michelle"
   "You're welcome Ma'am"
"Oooh! Please come with me, I can't allow my guest to stand out here"
    She led the way while Michelle followed behind her. They strolled to the backyard of the shop, the place was spacious and filled with flowers just like a garden. It also had a medium round table and a few chairs in the middle of the yard.
  They both grabbed a seat each and Madam Sayuri offered Michelle some tea which she accepted happily.
  They both engaged in a conversation which eventually led to them getting to know more personal things about each other.
     "I am Japanese but my husband is Korean and both my sons are abroad"
   "Ooh! I see"
  "What about your parents dear"
"My Mother died many years ago and my Father well…… He died when I was Four"
    "Pardon Me, I shouldn't have asked"
    "No Ma'am, It's okay"
  "Please don't call me Ma'am, It makes me feel older than I already am so just call me Sayuri"
   "Are you sure"
    "Of course Dear"
"Alright, Ma….. I mean Sayuri"
They both laughed and continued chatting happily.
    "It's very strange how we just met for the first time but it feels like we are old friends"
Michelle said with closed eyes, as she enjoyed the fresh breeze while sipping her tea not knowing Sayuri was watching her with a smile.
   "The feeling is mutual Michelle. I can see you're the type of person that finds serenity in Nature, Just like me"
    "Well, that's true Sayuri. I've always loved being in Nature"
    Sayuri moved closer to Michelle and took her hand in hers
   "It goes to show you're an extraordinary person, just as I saw it"
   "Just as you saw it!"
Michelle said with wide eyes
   "Relax Michelle, I'm not a witch but Can I tell you something?"
Michelle nodded her head eagerly
     "I can read Tarot cards and I can sometimes see visions too, You know like a Psychic"
Michelle made an 'O' shape with her mouth as she was utterly stunned.
   "Can you read a card for me Sayuri"
   "Hmm….. No, I can't Dear because it already getting late"
Michelle looked at her wristwatch and saw it was already 6 pm
     "Time flies by really quickly, thank you for reminding me Sayuri I will be on my way then"
     "You can always come back Dear, I'm the owner of this shop so you'll meet me here anytime"
   "I sure will"
  "It was a great pleasure meeting you Michelle, Fate truly has a way of getting things done"
    "It was nice meeting you too Sayuri"
Michelle exchanged pecks on the cheek with Sayuri and bid her goodbye. After Michelle left Sayuri sat back in her seat while gently stroking the cat's back.
    "You accomplished the mission Lily and you will get a reward later"
Sayuri continued thinking out loud
    "She is just as beautiful as she was described in my dream, right Lily? She is a very special girl, I saw it before but now I felt it as I talked to her. I get a feeling that I have a significant role to play in her life but I am not sure what it is yet"
Sayuri smiled in satisfaction and kissed Lily's head. (✷‿✷)

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