CHAPTER 17: The Painting

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Michelle's POV 


I walked into my apartment with a wide smile and sit on my couch, I couldn't get over the giddy feeling I felt in my stomach when Hyunmin hugged me back. I could swear I felt butterflies erupt in my tummy but I also couldn't help noticing the shocked expression on his face when he was leaving; was it because of the hug or was something else? I couldn't put my finger on it because I didn't know exactly what it was so I just shrugged of the feeling.
I went to my kitchen and quickly cooked up some Kimchi fried rice and grilled meat for dinner, then I took a warm shower and slipped into my pajamas. I laid down on my bed and hugged one of my many stuffed toys tightly to my chest, anyone who walked into my bedroom would think a 5 year old girl was living here; there were stuffed toys of different sizes on one corner, many designs of red roses, orchids and butterflies on the walls, and the furniture, bed, curtains, and walls were decorated in red and white.
Everything was made to perfection cause I decorated it myself after I moved in, the room was quite spacious so everything fitted in well.
I love hugging my huge teddy to bed every since my childhood days in the orphanage, I got more attached to them after my breakup with Ethan because somehow the teddy gives me comfort when am lonely. I can be really clingy at times and being my single self they are my companions, as I get comfortable and prepare to sleep my thoughts slowly drift towards Hyunmin again; I have actually confirmed my feelings for him but the problem is, will he ever see me the same way? At first my feelings for him was just genuine care and friendship because I felt we were going through the same pain but I didn't even notice when he started to grow on me, I'm not even sure if he likes me too and considering our social and financial status we are poles apart, what if he is racist and doesn't like me back cause am black; the what if's were giving me a headache. I lightly smacked my cheek and wish I could smack my stupid heart too for falling in love with someone I can never have again! I sighed sadly and turned to my side before finally falling asleep.

I arrived at the company about 30 minutes earlier than my boss which came as a surprise to me cause I never beat him when it comes to punctuality, I was walking through the hallway carrying some files when someone deliberately bumped into me
  "You should watch where you're going Michelle or you'll fall"
Hannah stood in front of me with crossed arms and a crooked smile on her lips, She looked at me like an enemy she was out to destroy
"I see you are getting very comfortable with Hyunmin, Hugging and all"
Hannah chuckled softly while eyeing me from head to toe
"I'm not saying it's wrong or anything but I would like to give you a piece of unsolicited advice"
She slowly moved closer to me and whispered near my ear
   "Know your place and don't go past your limits because he is out of your league and lastly Michelle, don't start something I would have to finish"
She walked passed me and harshly pushed her shoulders against mine causing me to stumble back a bit and the files in my hand fall to the ground, I bent down to pick them up as the painful memories of the times I got threatened and bullied in school came rushing back to me; I get that she likes Hyunmin but did she have to threaten me that way, I was just being a good friend cause I knew what was going through and I wanted him to have peace of mind.
I breathed in and out a couple of times to calm myself cause I was so close to crying, I swiftly got up and quietly walked back to my office.

It was already closing time at office but I couldn't go home with Jiyoon yet cause I had to finish up a few things, I was checking some documents on my desk when I realized that I had forgotten to get My boss's approval for one of the blueprints the architect sent for a project we were handling. I smacked my forehead for how forgetful I was, I checked my wristwatch and saw it was a few minutes to eight, I quickly dashed towards my Boss's office only to learn from Beomgyu that he left an hour ago.
I was so frustrated that I started pacing back and forth while placing my teeth on my thumb and index finger which was a sigh I was very nervous, That Blueprint needed to be approved today because it would be presented in a meeting tomorrow morning and I would be so screwed if I don't get it sighed before then.
An idea suddenly came to me and I rushed towards my office, packed the blueprint, grabbed my bag, took a taxi and headed to the Chairman's Mansion.
   "Michelle! What a pleasant surprise, It's so nice to see you again, How are you doing"
I was greeted by Ma.Seo's warm smile as I entered the living room
   "I'm doing fine Ma.Seo and it's always nice to see your warm smile"
Ma.Seo beamed a smile at me in appreciation
    "Sit down Dear and I will go tell Hyunmin you are here, Can I offer you anything"
    "No Ma.Seo thank you"
A few minutes after Ma.Seo left I started feeling pressed, I went to the kitchen and asked one of the maids the way to the restroom, She told me to go upstairs and look to my right.
I followed her directions and soon found the restroom, after I was done using the restroom and was heading towards the stairs, I noticed Hyunmin's art studio at the far end of the hall was opened.
I found it very odd cause the place was always closed, curiosity got the best of me and I found myself slowly walking into the studio. I knew it wasn't right to invade others privacy but I was just too curious to know what was inside; I saw a lot of beautiful and unique paintings of landscapes, objects, scenery, animals, and more but three paintings particularly caught my attention.
One of the paintings had a very strange illustration; it showed the hands of two people holding each other, one hand was burnt very badly and looked like the hand of a woman while the other one was normal but it was the hand of a man, I couldn't quite understand the painting but I knew it had a deep meaning, I wondered what Hyunmin could be feeling when he painted this. I got more curious about the other two paintings because they were covered with white cloth; I removed the white cloth from one and saw the painting of a beautiful woman on the canvas, she had round-shaped face, raven black hair, heart-shaped lips, small eyes and milky white skin.
She was truly a beauty but she looked all too familiar.
I ran my fingers along the canvas and stared more closely at the painting until it finally struck.

This is a painting of YeonJu's!
I remember seeing a picture of her on Jiyoon's phone, no wonder she looked so familiar even though it took me a while to recognize her.
   Hyunmin truly romanticized the painting with the way she looked to much more beautiful on the canvas than in a picture, It was obvious that he loved her a lot so he must have been through hell when she died.

"What are you doing here!"
I sudden heard the voice of the one person I prayed wouldn't come here until after I've left.
His voice was low but it sounded very cold and menacing, I felt chills run down my spine as I slowly turned towards Hyunmin.
He was standing a few steps away from me, glaring angrily at me for a moment before looking behind me to see YeonJu's painting uncovered.
  "Who do you think you are?
What gives you nerve to move around my house without permission?"
He slowly stalked towards my as he spoke causing my heart to beat rapidly against my chest.
"Do you know think that you are now special to me just because I allowed you to comfort me or because we are supposingly friends? You should know your place and not cross your limits with me Michelle! I haven't given you the right to do that nor the right to touch YeonJu's things and I also clearly prohibited anyone FROM COMING INTO THIS PLACE!"
He raised his voice at the sentence which caused me to flinch out of fear, I mistaken hit an empty flower vase that was placed on a tall wooden stool beside the painting causing it fall and shatter to pieces.
    "She gave me that flower vase as a gift on my Birthday and now it's broken"
I quickly squatted to pickup the broken pieces of glass when one of them cut my finger, Hyunmin saw I was hurt and gripped my wrist harshly.
  "You're Hurt!"
He said to me still with an expressionless face before dragging me off to the kitchen, As soon as we reached the Kitchen I yanked my wrist away from his grip causing him to snap his head towards me.
   "Yes It Hurts! it hurts very much and not just my fingers!"
I yelled and glared at him, I was trying so hard to hold back my tears but I just couldn't help it.
    "This is the second time today I am being told TO KNOW MY PLACE! and it's no surprise because all my life people have done nothing but look down on me. I thought you saw me differently but you're like everyone else and just so you know I never got close to you to get any privileges nor to replace YeonJu"
I saw a little glint of guilt flash through his eyes as he looked at the pained expression on my face
   "I became friends with you because I understood your pain, because I know what grief is like! Because I know what feeling lonely and broken feels like. I wanted to help you get through it all because I had no one to help me get through my pain, I faced it all on my own"
    "And Do You think YeonJu would be happy to see you like this; living the rest of your life mourning her and refusing to move on, I also lost my parents at a very young age but I still got through life which is why I am standing here today"
  I sniffled and cleaned my tears with the back of hand
    "But you're right boss, I shouldn't have gone into your studio and I shouldn't have crossed my limits and get to comfortable with you so from no own I will keep my distance and know my place"
I turned around and walked a few steps but I halted feeling the need to say one last thing to Hyunmin
    "I also didn't know you were just another jerk that belittle people but am happy I know now and please feel free to fire me if you wish Mr Kim!"
He opened his mouth and was about to say something but I didn't wait to listen to whatever he had say, I just continued walking out of the mansion as more tears rolled down my eyes.

I woke up the next morning feeling all tired from all the crying I did last  night.
I decided not to go to work because I was too angry to face Hyunmin again so I just called in sick and told Beomgyu to pass the message to the Chairman and Jiyoon.
I swiftly washed up, got dressed and took one last look at myself in the mirror, I nodded my head in certainty for the decision I was about to make.
I picked up My bag, hired a cab and headed towards Sayuri's flower shop because I really need her help at this point (☉。☉)!

Hello Dear Readers
I'm so so sorry for not posting any new chapters all this while 🙏🙏 but I'm back bigger and better than before.
I changed the point of view in this chapter and I hope y'all enjoy reading it as much as I did, also pls don't forget to leave a comment to let me know what you think and give me a vote. Your support means a whole lot to me.


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