CHAPTER 20: Stuck With You

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CHAPTER 20: Stuck With You 


I have been avoiding Hyunmin like a plague for the past few days, he has made a few attempts to talk to me or rather apologize but I decided not to give him audience.
In a way what he did that day helped me now not to get to comfortable with everyone around especially not my boss, even if he is been going to alot it's just not my place to comfort him and I'm happy he stop me in time before I got too attached to him and cross anymore boundaries.
I really didn't want to admit to myself but I felt hurt that day even I came up with a hundred and one excuses why his action was justified, I couldn't help but fell so angry at him to the extent that I couldn't stand being in the same place with him.
I stopped staying in his office unless it was important, I stopped talking to him about anything else but work and I stopped smiling around him hoping that all these would make him angry too or at least make him as cold and aloof as before so I wouldn't feel I was overacting.

Who was I kidding though?

Everything I was doing had an adverse effect cause he suddenly became nicer and friendlier to me which confused me even more.

I arrived at work 9pm on Tuesday wearing a simple white sleeveless turtleneck blouse with a brown high waist trouser, a brown bag, a pair of white open-toe heels, with some simple earrings and a bracelet. Looking pretty has become an everyday thing for me since my make-over and my attendance of Sayuri's school of elegance as I like to call it.

I walked to the elevator to go up and the door was about to close when someone suddenly blocked it and walked in.
For one unknown reason or the other we coincidentally came to work at the same time and he was now standing next to me, He was silent but I could feel him staring at me every few seconds, I knew he wanted to say something but I just didn't want to hear it.

I know you're thinking that why is she keeping malice for so long?

Well it's not exactly easy to forget or even forgive all the hurtful things he said but deep down I knew I wasn't really angry with him I was just disappointed to find out he thought I was getting close to him for benefits or that i was trying to replace someone, it just really hurts to know that's what he thinks of me.
    "I don't do this oftentimes but I know when I make a mistake and I own up to them, I…. I'm Sor…. Sorry for the way I treated you that day"
I looked at him in surprise, I knew he was trying to apologize but I always thought he would try to wiggle his way out of it by talking indirectly like he always does. I heaved a sigh before I began
    "I forgive you Sir but I want to make things clear, I was never trying to be your friend to get any benefits or out of pity for what you've been through neither did I ever want to be anyone's replacement, I just genuinely cared but as always my feelings were taken for granted so I think it's better we keep our distance and keep things professional from now on. I don't want to be……"
Disappointed again!

I said the rest in my mind, he looked at me for a moment but then looked away before sighing sadly.
The elevator kept moving smoothly but then suddenly it stopped and the lights went off, not many people know this but I'm claustrophobic (i.e a phobia of being in enclosed places) I immediately started panicking and sweating, I ran towards the buttons and pressed them frantically.
Hyunmin was busy on the phone calling God knows who and I couldn't care less as I was having problems of my own.

I watched Michelle as she kept pacing, banging the door, and screaming for help, I tried calming her down but it wasn't working cause things only got worse. She continued banging the door for a while as we where stuck in the elevator for hours but then I noticed her hands started trembling, she started gasping for air as she slipped and sat on the floor.
I rushed to her side to prevent her from fainting as I took off my jacket.
    "Michelle! Michelle!! Calm down we will be out of here soon please try to breathe, where is your inhaler"
I thought she was asthmatic which is why I ask for her inhealer
   "I'm…. I'm not…. I can't breathe it's….. it's small here and… and it's suffocating me"
I couldn't quite understand what she was saying and her gasping got worse until she fell unconscious, images of YeonJu's accident started displaying itself in my mind like a movie. I tensed up and I started panicking too.
     "Michelle! Michelle!! Please wake up please don't close your eyes, please!"
I was almost in tears from the fear and anxiety I was feeling at that moment, when I suddenly heard the voices of the some men on the other side of the door.
   "Sir, there was a malfunction within the elevator so we're going to have to pull the door open"
    "Just do it already and make it fast!"
I yelled angrily in fear of what would happen to Michelle if we stayed any longer in the lift, I looked at her and her face was starting to look very pale and tired.
The men soon opened the door, I wasted no time and scooped Michelle into my arms.
As I walked out of the the lift l saw so many staffs standing at the entrance with worried and anxious looks on their faces that immediately turned into looks of surprise as soon as they sighted me carrying Michelle but I didn't have the patience to talk to anyone cause all I wanted was to save Michelle.
I rushed up to my office while carrying her with a speed even I couldn't believe, I took her to the private bedroom in my office and placed her on the bed before I hurriedly called my family Doctor.

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