CHAPTER 6: The Chairman's New Assistant

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"What the heck is going on, I am practically a speck of dust in this office so why would the Chairman want to see me"
Michelle just couldn't understand what was happening, she kept on thinking of various scenarios that might happen.
  "We are here Miss Parker"
She didn't even realize when they arrived in front of the Chairman's office.
  "Thank you, Mrs. Han"
She bowed slightly while Mrs. Han turned around and left. She inhaled and exhaled three times before she lightly knocked on the door a few times.
   "Come in"
She heard a deep voice sounding from behind the door and she slowly walked in
  "Good morning Sir"
    "Your Michelle Parker am I right"
   "Yes Sir"
    "You were recommended by Hannah so you'll be my new assistant"
Michelle silently studied him and thought he looked quite familiar even though he was looking down at a file in his left hand all while he was talking.
He slowly looked up from the file and stared at her with a blank expression while Michelle received the shock of her life.
   "What the……!  What the f#ck! this annoying guy is…. is...."
   "This can't be happening, the annoying guy who bumped into me on my first day is the Chairman! I am so f#cking screwed! So so damn screwed, Ooh Michelle what have you done?"

Hyunmin almost burst out laughing looking at the complex expression on his new assistant's face. Her face suddenly became pale and confused when she finally realized who he was. She was even fanning herself with her hand since she seemed to already start sweating. He found her overall reaction funny.
  "I told you already, didn't I? You'd find out who I am soon"
   "Don't you have anything to say now"

It was at this moment that Michelle realized she was doomed. She almost fainted but didn't want to embarrass herself any further so she quickly dashed out of the office, She had only walked a few steps from the door when she spotted Jiyoon, Michelle could already guess she was also curious.
   "Mitch, What happened? Why do you look like this"
  Jiyoon saw the pale look on her face and quickly asked
  "J.J, I am so screwed, I am in big trouble"
   "Calm down first, Let's go to the balcony first and talk"
Michelle walked with Jiyoon to the balcony and told her everything that has happened between her and the Chairman since the first day she arrived.
"Ooh My Goodness! Michelle, you gotta calm down sometimes"
  "I swear that I am as gentle as a dove, I was just in a bad mood that day but What do I do now? He doesn't seem like a very forgiving person so I don't think he'll let me off the hook easily"
  Michelle was already pacing back and forth when Jiyoon suddenly thought of an idea.
    "I know what you should do"
Michelle abruptly stopped in her tracks and looked at her
    "What is it"
    "You should just apologize to him because according to what you've said you didn't insult him"
"Yeah you're right, if I remember correctly I didn't say anything bad so maybe it isn't as bad as I think, I will do that right now"
  Jiyoon frantically grabbed her right arm to stop her from going
   "You can't do that now, he is probably still mad at you so don't show yourself to him for the rest of today just do it tomorrow"
Michelle nodded her head in agreement
"You're right, I should do it tomorrow"
Both of them looked at each other and nodded simultaneously in agreement with their great plan. (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)

Two Skins ApartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon