Chapter 1

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Training sucks, it means being sore the next day and being too lazy to do anything afterwards. Don't get me wrong, being a spy is cool and all, but training is way too tiring. Why must the work us so hard? We never actually see combat. I mean what is the point?

Sighing I collapse onto my bed. I stare up at the ceiling and then my gaze travels around my room. My walls are a light gray and all of my furniture is white. As I glance past my mirror the image in it shimmers.

I blink twice, then stare at it for a moment. Nothing happens. Wow, I must be really tired. Stupid training. Out of the corner of my eyes I see someone nudge my bedroom door open. "Who is it?" I call out, refusing to get off of my bed. I get a small yip in response as my Yorkshire Terrior, Chloe, jumps up onto my bed. " Hey girl," I mutter as I scratch behind her right ear.

I move my hand away from her and roll over. Then I reach out and open the drawer of my nightstand. I pull out the old-fashioned, golden key. I then reach under my pillow and grab the box.

I insert the key into the key hole and lift the lid. Shoot, the box is empty! Where is my knife? This is so not happening! No, no, no! Come on think, where did I have it last?

I groan and stand up. It has to be here somewhere. I walk over to my mirror. I freeze. On the little table behind me sits a single vanilla cupcake with blue frosting. My favorite.

I smile softly, it has to be Logan. I swear he has got to be the best boyfriend ever. He is always getting random gifts for me. I turn around, but the cupcake isn't there. Confused, I look back at the mirror. This time though I don't find a cupcake, instead I find Logan. And my reflection is gone.

" Logan? " I ask slowly.

" Penelope, " he replies with a smirk. " I have been waiting for this moment."

" What do you mean? Logan, what is going on?" I ask.

" Come on, I'll show you, " he say. He reaches out and offers me his hand. Hesitantly, I place my hand in his. He smiles and yanks me through my mirror. I gasp.

" Chloe! " I yell without thinking. She jumps through after me.

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