Chapter 18

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I turn a corner and find the brick wall Logan mentioned earlier. Logan walks over to the side and runs his hand over the bricks, searching for the fake brick. I look away from him and find Nelli and Alaina coming down the hill on my right. I walk towards them, because let's face it when people are walking towards you and you just stand there waiting for them it is incrediblely awkward on your end.

" Did he try to kill you? " asks Nelli. I sigh.

" Seriously that's the first thing that came out of your mouth? Wow... remind me why am I friends with you? " I say. She smiles.

" We are friends because fate has us intertwined. Anymore stupid questions seaweed brain? " she says.

" My sweet innocent nerd must you quote books in every conversation we have? " I asks sweetly, as I blink innocently.

" I am afraid so, " she replies.

" You guys are weird, " says Alaina. I gasp and place a hand on my chest.

" Ouch that was highly offensive, " I say in a mean girl voice.

" Snap, snap, snap, hair flip, " says Nelli. Then she spins on her heel and turns away. The three of us break out laughing. To be honest it wasn't even all that funny. I don't exactly get why we are laughing. Oh well.

I hear the sound of a door opening and immediately shut up. I then turn towards the brick wall. In the center of the brick walk there is a doorway to my bedroom. I can see the little table with my antique tea set on it and my dresser covered with perfume, nail polish, and make up. The corner of my four poster bed is visible as well. It all looks so... normal. So perfect. Tears of relief start streaming down my face I can't believe it is really here.

Nelli and Aliana stop laughing and stare at the doorway as well. Their mouths form little O's from the shock. Chloe nudges my ankle and I bend down to pick her up. But my eyes never leave the door. I am afraid to even blink. I don't know if it is real, but I can't loose sight of it either.

What if I am like those people who get lost in the desert and keep imagining oasises? But when they walk towards it it just keeps moving farther and farther away. Or really I am still in the prison cell and this is some crazy dream/hallucination thing?

" Go in now, " says Logan, rather impatiently. Nelli nods and walks through the doorway and into my room. She touches my tea set and stares at it in awe, as if it is the most precious thing on this Earth. Alaina looks at me once before stepping through after Nelli.  She walks over to the corner of my bed and sits down on the floor with her back against the bed. She then closes her eyes and sighs. Logan looks at me.

" Penelope, you have to go inside, " he says. I nod but I don't move from my spot and my eyes stay glued to the doorway. " Penelope Nicholas can track when this passage is opened. Please go inside, " he begs. This time my feet actually move. I take small tentive steps forward until I reach the door. Then I take a deep breath and step through Logan comes in swiftly behind me and the door to the mysterious place slams shut.

I set Chloe down and she runs around the room sniffing everything. My attention leaves her and I scan the rest of the room. Nothing has been touched. How long were we gone? I pull the knife out of the waistband of my training pants. How it got there I don't know, but it is there now. I walk over to my nightstand and open the drawer. I pull out the key and then reach under my pillow, grabbing the box. I open it and put the knife inside. Then I put both the box and the key away.

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