Chapter 2

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I stand in awe, as I look at the scene laid out before me. I stand on a red brick pathway. Along the sides are pink purple and yellow flowers. Beyond the flowers are green, grassy hills. And scattered at the top of the hills are maple trees, with their leaves a mix of red, orange, and yellow.

I pull my attention away from the scenery and glance at the ground. Three feet in front of me lays my knife. The same knife I was searching for, moments earlier, in my room. My room! I gasp and spin around. Where is my room? It couldn't have just disappeared. Could it? If it did, where on Earth did it go? Wait, am I still on Earth?

" Is something wrong Penelope? " asks Logan.

" My room! What happened to my room? Where did it go?" I shout.

" Oh, no need to worry my dear. It will turn up sooner or later, " he responds, as if my room were an object I lost at school and it would be in the lost and found by the next morning.

" Logan? " I start.

" Yes, " he says.

" Where the heck am I? Why am I here? Why are you here? How did you get in my mirror? How did we get here? Are we still on Earth? Can we ever go back home? Or will we be stuck here forever? Is there- " I say in a rush before I am cut off by the pressure of his lips on mine. I kiss him back.

After a moment he pulls away. " To answer your questions, time will tell. Now come along, Penelope. We have got much to do, " he says. Then he turns away and begins to walk down the pathway. I bend down to grab my knife.  "I figured you would need that, " he says. He doesn't even turn around.

" Uh...okay, " I mutter. Then I run to catch up with him.

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