Chapter 1

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Daenyra was quickly deemed the diamond of the royal family. 

At two years old she had the entire castle wrapped around her pretty little finger. She was brilliant talking both the common tongue and High Valyrian nearly fluently minus the occasional 'r' that came out more like a 'w'. 

She was cheeky and so quick-witted she gave the court whiplash. She moved with grace and power even as a toddler, though she demanded to be carried most of the time. 

The court was in session and Rhaenera sat bored with her mother as her father sat upon the iron throne. All attention turned from the dull lord who was speaking as the doors opened revealing the little angel herself.

Her pretty white curls bounced about as she walked into the throne room. Her violet eyes shined as she gave a cute smile to everyone who saw her. 

Adults had often made creepy comments about how stunning the young princess would be when she was older but it was hard not to set her apart from the mortals surrounding her. She stood out in every way. 

The way she breathed, the way her feet fell when she walked, everything about her screamed out ethereal. 

She ignored propriety as she walked in a straight line, up the steps to the iron throne where her father sat. 

A few members of the court gasped as the king smiled lifting the little girl who demanded attention onto his lap. She had just sat herself on the iron throne. 

She smiled at her father, a complete daddy's girl, much to her mother's dismay. "Kepa!" She grinned as she leaned into her father's chest. 

The Queen stood to grab the mischievous little girl but the king waved her off, holding his baby close to him. 

"Terribly sorry for the interruption Lord Arryn, please continue." The King said but it was clear his attention was no longer on the proceedings but on the little diamond on his lap. 

After a half-assed attempt at responding to Lord Arryn, the king ended the proceedings early. Lifting Daenyra into his arms as he stood. Queen Aemma and Princess Rhaenyra joined them and Daenyra squealed in delight at seeing her mother and sister. 

"Rhae-Rhae!" She squealed as she reached out for her sister. The princess smiled smugly at her parents as she took her little sister in her arms. 

"Hello, byka zaldrīzes" (Little Dragon) She spun her sister, soaking in her bell-like giggles. 

Two nursemaids ran into the room in a panic, having lost the princess only to find her again as usual with her sister. 

"Terribly sorry, your majesty. We have no idea how she keeps escaping!" The adrenaline and fear of losing the beloved princess again wear off. 

"Trouble this one is..." The king teased as he tickled Daenyra. 

"I no trouble. I good. I just wanna see Kepa." The toddler pouted, melting every royal heart as they smothered her in affection. 

"It's dangerous to wander off on your own, my little marauder." The queen said, lifting her from Rhaenyra. 

"Maybe I should get her a personal guard." The king contemplated.

Her purple eyed shined brightly, "I pick new friend!" She cheered and her family chuckled. 

"Alright... You can pick your guard. Lord Hand, bring me a selection of your finest knights tomorrow morning. Princess Daenyra would like to pick her own personal guard." The amusement was clear in the king's eyes as Lord Otto Hightower left to complete his task. 

Inside her head, the now twenty-two-year-old ash smiled at the pons she was gaining. The king was practically obsessed with her as was the future queen Rhaenyra. 

She remembered the show, House of the Dragon, from her previous life. She had an advantage in the game and she knew exactly how to play. 

Right now she was small and cute, so her usual, more NSFW tactics weren't yet applicable. She gave the king her attention and he glowed beneath her golden light. She needed them to love her, protect her, and give in to her every desire. 

Starting early was the best way to set up the board in your favor. 

Now she was to have a personal guard, one she could mold to remain loyal to only her. 

The next morning she was brought to a courtyard filled with kingsguard. "Alright my darling, who do you want to be your new friend?" Aemma asked as she left her side. 

Reading people was a specialty she cultivated in her first life. A blonde man stood tall in front, she saw a brat who never fought a day in his life. Next to him stood a shorter man, too honorable and too old. 

One by one she looked at the selection until he found the one. He was a head taller than the others, he had black hair and green, haunted eyes. His face was young but stern and troubled. He had a past, he was looking for redemption. Blindly loyal, instilled fear based on how the others stood away from him. 

The little toddler stood before the mountain of a man. An angelic smile took over her face as she motioned for him to kneel down to her height. 

He looked startled for a moment before following orders and kneeling to the young princess. 

"Hello, I'm Daenyra. What's your name?" She asked her eyes shining at the man fourteen years older than her. 

"Ser Derek Snow, my princess." 

A Northern bastard. Oh, he was perfect. 

"I like you, Ser Derek Snow. Would you please be my friend?" She smiled and it was as if the heavens themself shone around her. 

"It would be my honor, my princess." Derek bowed. 

"Kepa! I choose him! He's my new friend." The princess giggled grabbing the snow's hand in hers and pulling him with her. 

He looked star-struck as the little diamond smiled up at him calling him her friend. 

"Very well. Will you accept the position of Princess Daenyra's personal guard, Ser Derek Snow?" The king said lifting the baby from the ground. 

He was shocked to be picked. 

A bastard with no names or titles. Just a good fighter. Now, this little girl had decided she liked him and he would do everything in his power to earn that trust. 

In her, he saw his redemption, his life's purpose, and the reason he did not follow his wife and son into the afterlife. 

To everyone's surprise, he took a knee, and rather than the casual oath of a personal guard, Ser Derek Snow uttered words reserved only for the guards of the king himself, "I swear to ward the princess with all my strength, to give my blood for hers. I swear to obey her commands and keep her secrets. I swear to defend her honor and serve at her pleasure. I will never flee, nor falter in my duty. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, and father no children. I pledge to the princess my life and honor, until the day that I die."

She smiled getting down from her father's arms as she ran to hug the kneeling knight. "I, Princess Daenyra Targaryen of House Targaryen, accept your oath." 

And with those words, a knight was set on the board. 

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