Chapter 12

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Alicent waited in Aemond's room for her son's return. Otto Hightower paced the length of the room behind her, for once not scolding her for picking at her nails. While she never held anything against Daenyra, there was something intimidating about her. Not her violent tendencies or even her ability to conquer half the world. What scared her was the look in the dragon's eye that warned she wasn't yet satisfied. 

Aemond had followed after Daenyra while the blood of Vaemond was still warm and he had yet to return. 

The door creaked open and there stood Aemond, lost in thought. "Mother-?"

Before he could utter another word Alicent sprung on him, "What did she want? What did you talk about? You didn't agree to anything, did you?" 

Otto took his spot beside his daughter, "What did the Conquerer want?"

"She offered to make me Lord of Volantis. She said she needed people she could trust to help establish Essos and the Targaryen rein for generations to come. She said who could she trust more than her own brother and that we secondborns must stick together." Aemond answered truthfully, hoping they couldn't smell the sex on him. 

"She just... offered?" Otto seemed perplexed by the sentiment. 

"What did she want in return?" Alicent asked.

"Loyalty. To serve Essos well as the Lord of Volantis as well as my future generations. She gave me the opportunity of a title because she needed people she could trust." Aemond said as he sat across from his mother and grandfather. 

"Don't be naive. She is a Targaryen. She will stand with Rhaenyra for the throne. She wants to take you out of the game, you and your dragon. If you are Loyal to Daenyra you can't fight for Aegon. She is smart, offering something so tempting yet so targeted. As it stands you have no titles to inherit unless through marriage. She knew what she was doing" Otto spat as he once again started pacing. 

"If you forget, Lord Hand, I too am a Targaryen. She stands with Rhaenyra because it is our father's wish that Rhaenyra is queen, not to mention Rhaenyra is her sister. Queen Daenya values family above all else, she asked me because I am her brother, her blood."

"Then why not as Aegon?" Alicent inquired.

"Because Aegon's an idiot. He also might be set to inherit the seven kingdoms. Without Daenyra, he is the spare should Rhaenyra be seen as unfit. I am currently fourteenth in line for the throne after Rhaenyra, Daenyra, Aegon, and their children. I am a safe bet to give a Lord ship because it is highly unlikely the throne would ever fall to me."

"It would be unwise to underestimate her motives." Otto supplied. 

"It would be unwise to look for vipers where there are only dragons... She chose me because I am her brother. As her brother, I will accept." 

Just as Daenyra had finished readying herself for dinner a knock sounded at her door. 


Just as she placed her crown on her head the door was gingerly pushed open and in walked Aegon himself. He was practically frothing with the desire to embrace her. 

She opened her arms and like a child, he raced into them lifting her off the ground as he held her close. He dropped her onto her feet as his right hand grabbed her jaw pulling her so close their noses touched. 

"You have haunted my every waking moment since you left me to go conquer the world. I have grown addicted to you only to be ripped from your side."

"You are married, my love. You have children." She whispered, gazing into his eyes with the adoration he had grown cold without. 

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