Chapter 10

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It has been six years since the funeral of Laena Velaryon and the world has not been the same since. 

At age seventeen, the second Princess of Westeros crossed the Narrow Sea on dragon back. With only her most loyal inter circle accompanying her Princess Daenyra spent the next two years Conquering the free cities. 

Six months in, she recognized that she needed heirs. So she picked the most wealthy, handsome man of Valyrion descent, Valaar Celtigar. 

He was infatuated with the Queen and bent the knee willingly. He was obsessed with her and did anything she told him to. He was the perfect sperm donor and living wallet. 

Nine months after their marriage, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen was born. Daenyra continued her conquest while pregnant and even after the birth of her son. 

Ash had never experienced love in her first life. Daenyra had never experienced love in her second. But as they handed her that small babe that was part of her, for the first time she felt it. That spark of undying devotion and the flaming inferno of care.  Rhaegar was the first thing she ever loved and she swore she would give him the world.

A year after Rhaegar she gave birth to Princess Aemma Targaryen. Again she felt the earth stop spinning as she held the baby in her arms. The world would kneel before her children, she would turn to ash any who tried to harm them.

One by one Braavos, Lorath, Lys, Myr, Norvos, Pentos, Qohor, Tyrosh, and Volantis all bent the knee before the Army of freed slaves, Unsullied, Dothraki, and the dragon-riding Conquerer. 

She was brutal during her age of conquest. Kneel or burn was her way of doing things. Once the land was hers she cared for their people, she protected them but never before. She had killed tens of thousands who stood against her.  

Each and every lord of the land was killed, and a new one took their place. 

James Baratheon was made Lord of Pentos.

Nyra Sand became Nyra Percival, Lady of Braavos.

Gwen Waters, her former trusted servant, became Gwen Lancelot, Lady of Lys. 

Arther Stone became Arther Gawain, Lord of Qohor.

Derek Snow remained by the princess's side serving as her protector and occasional sex partner. 

Queen Daenyra created a plumbing system, a public schooling system, new routes of commerce, established hospitals, laws of equality, a police system, a court system, and even invented new ways of farming within the harsh landscape of Essos. 

Every endeavor thrived under her rule. 

In the midlands, between Qohor and Pentos, Queen Daenyra built the kingdom of Camalot. She had ordered the beginning of construction when she was only four years old. By the time she arrived the stone castle stood out in its white sandstone brilliance against the setting sun. Banners of House Targaryen were hung and nearly half a million people migrated to the gorgeous city. 

It became the capital and home of Daenyra the Conquerer. They called her the breaker of chains. The Queen of the Golden Age of Essos. 

Her ideas brought wealth and comfort to the realm and its people alike. She turned bastards into Lords and slaves into free men. 

She became Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea after challenging each Khal to fight. 

 History would remember her as:

Queen Daenyra "the Conqueror" of House Targaryen, first of her name. Queen of Essos, Lady of Camalot, Protector of the Free Lands, the Mother of Twin Realms, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, The Golden Queen, the Breaker of Chains.

Directly after she was declared Queen, Daenyra gave birth to twins. Prince Viserys and Princess Visserra were born with the dawn of the new realm. Although they were almost certainly Derek Snow's children they took after their mother so no one questioned it. 

They worshiped her as a God. She could sire a thousand bastards but as long as they had a drop of the Conquerer's blood, no one would blink an eye. 

Valaar never got to meet the twins, he died during the final battle. As a pregnant Daenyra flew overhead on the back of her Dragon, she watched as an arrow went through his skull, an arrow she orchestrated. 

He was no longer of use to her. She had his funds and she got the heirs she needed so she did away with the unnecessary baggage. He had the honor of dying in battle, his blood paved the way for a new Era. 

A new Crown was forged of Valyrian Steel. A red ruby decorated the front. It was Dubbed the Conquerer's Crown, it would one day sit on Rhaegar's head. 

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And as a New realm was established, the old began to crumble. King Viserys was growing old and sickly. Rhaenyra and Daemon were having their second child. 

A raven brought a message from Dragonstone just that morning, 

My dearest sister,

I seek your assistance. The greens are attempting to take my son, Lucerys, birthright as heir to Driftmark. We go to court once more to defend our place. The Hightowers haunt us even now. I beg of you to send me guidance. 

Your Beloved sister, Rhaenyra

"What is it, mama?" the little four-year-old, Princess Aemma, asked as she walked towards her mother's throne. She was as pretty and elegant as her mother at her age. The diamond of Essos is what the people called her.

"It appears we shall be returning to Westeros for a time." 

"Why Mother?" Five-year-old Rhaegar asked, having just returned from training. 

An angelic smile took over the young queen's face, at age 23 she had conquered half the world and still she looked as gorgeous and delicate as a flower. "Because family comes before all. Fire and Blood. That is what made us gods among men."

Two-year-olds, Viserys and Viserra toddled into the throne room, escorted by Ser Derek Snow. 

"Derek prepare the dragons for leave. Rhaegar and Aemma you may fly on your own as long as you use the harnesses (She invented car seats for them). The twins will fly with Derek and me on Ceniza. We leave at dawn. I leave the Queen's Hand, Lord Gael Lionel, to protect the realm in my stead. Alert the Queen's guard to make ready, they sail for king's landing immediately." Action was immediately taken. 

The Dance of Dragons would soon begin. 

Half the world was hers, it would soon be time to claim the rest.

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