Chapter 18

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"AHHHHH!!!! YOU ARE NEVER ALLOWED INSIDE ME AGAIN! YOU FUCKING CUNT!" Daenyra roared at Aegon as he held her. She was in labor eight moons after their marriage. 

It took Rhaenyra three months to take kingslanding and two more to completely crush the rebellion against her rule. Many still thought of her as a usurper. Aegon had been conflicted with how to feel when news reached him that Rhaenyra was on the throne. 

His mother and Grandfather had escaped to Oldtown and many speculated they were raising an army once more to retake the Iron throne. The problem was, it was hard to gain support for a king that was not there. 

"Push! Your majesty, you must push. You have done this four times already, you must do it once more!" 

Her growls were animalistic as her face reddened with strain. Aegon could not take his eyes off of her as she battled their baby into the world. 

She was always lovely, but Aegon had been ravenous for her ever since her belly started to show. Even now, soaked in sweat and blood, roaring like a fucking dragon, she looked magnificent. He could only hope she wouldn't stay true to her promise of never allowing him inside of her again. 

"I see the head! One final push!"

With a final bought of strength, the babe was ejected from the queen, releasing a battle cry like all her children before. "A boy, your grace!"

An exhausted smile took over Daenyra's face as they handed the babe to Aegon. He looked at his son with such adoration. 

Their babe was the incarnation of their love and Aegon loved him for it. He had the Targaryen white hair and purple eyes. 

He was the most beautiful baby Aegon had ever laid his eyes on.

"Do you have a name, your majesty?" The nurse asked as Aegon handed the baby to his mother. 

"Prince Daegon Targaryen... Named after both of his parents." 

"He's perfect, my love. You did so well." Tears filled Aegon's eyes as he looked at his son and wife. He kissed both of them on the head, remaining at their side. 

"The Princesses and Princes wish to meet their new sibling, your grace." A maid informed them. With a nod of acceptance from the queen, the doors opened and her children came strolling in. 

"My loves, meet your brother, Daegon Targaryen." Daenyra smiled, leaning down so that the small children could get a good look at the babe. 

Rhaegar was now seven years old, Aemma was six, and the twins were four. They gushed over their new brother. 

"Mother? Can we test him? Can we see?" Aemma asked. 

"Test him for what?" Aegon asked seeing the children's faces light up. 

Rhaegar grabbed a candle and lit the flame. He approached the babe and Aegon began to worry. "Rhaegar be careful with that around the baby! What are you doing?" 

"If he's a true dragon, he won't burn," Viserys answered for his elder brother as Rhaegar held the flame to the baby's leg. 

"NO!" Aegon panicked. He reached to grab the candle only for Daenyra to stop him. 

"Don't worry, my love! Look... Like his sibling, Daegon is a true dragon. See? He does not burn." Daenyra said. Aegon realized it was true, even as the flame licked at Daegons flesh, he was unburnt. 

"True dragons don't burn," Vissera told him nodding with the profound wisdom of a four-year-old. 

Over the few months of staying in Essos, Aegon had noticed a difference in the golden Targaryen line. 

They were more cunning than the Greens and more ruthless than the Blacks. They were far too smart for their ages and seeing how quickly they came up with solutions to problems of the realm was stunning. Each of the children sat in on court proceedings when they wished, ensuring that they were trained from a young age. 

Most of their conversations were in High Valyrion. Their fighting skills and their connection to their dragons were unmatched. 

Aegon had heard the story of how they got the title 'unburnt' but he had always assumed the tale was exaggerated by the people. But as he watched the children stick their hands in the flames of the fireplace to show they did not burn, he recognized the true disparity between Daenyra's line and the others. 

They were gods compared to the rest. He watched in astonishment as his own newborn son cooed at the flame.

It was around this time that Aegon recognized he might be in over his head. 

"Why don't you go choose a dragon egg for the babe?" Aegon asked, taking in the scene once more trying to ignore the sinking feeling in his heart.

"My Queen, the Queen Daenyra has given birth to a son, Daegon Targaryen." A Maester informed Rhaenyra in her war room. 

Battle after battle, Rhaenyra found herself fighting. 

It felt as though the entire kingdom called her usurper. Even her ties to the House Arryn dwindled because her sister married Aegon. The North declared neutrality. The Baratheons adamantly sided with Aegon's claim, especially after his marriage to the conqueror. The Lanesters too sided with Aegon. 

Rhaenyra had been called usurper to her own right. Her children were called bastards even when they weren't. She was accused of killing Ser Laenor to be with Daemon, which was true but hurtful nonetheless. 

With the birth of Aegon's son, many called to name the boy Daegon as the heir. Many said that Daenyra should be queen after what Rhaenyra did to Aegon's first wife and children.

They called her Maegor with tits. 

They called her mad and greedy.

After all, if the Diamond married Aegon he must be a true dragon. Many saw their marriage as a sign to unite the twin realms and put Aegon and Daenyra on the throne. 

"We must do something... An heir of Aegon's will always be a living threat to your claim. That babe would have the whole of Essos behind him... I know you love your sister, but the crown must always come first." Daemon said to Rhaenyra.

"What would you have me do?" 

"Kill the babe, protect your claim. Daenyra loves you more than Aegon. She carried the child so that you could take the crown... She will forgive you."

Hardened and slightly maddened after the loss of Lucerys and her miscarriage, Rhaenyra didn't hesitate to hunt for blood, "...Kill the boy... his father is next."

That was the order that would end her reign...

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