Chapter 15

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"You worry too much Aemond. I have taught you what you must know. Your advisers will be here to assist you. The land is yours to protect, yours to cherish, and better. I know you will not fail me. Go out and know your people, eat in their slums, walk in their shoes, know the people you were given power over." Daenyra advised. 

They had spent three days in Volantis, teaching Aemond all he needed to know. 

Aemond turned to look at his queen, he approached her pulling her into his embrace. He kissed her, melting into her touch as they stood on his private balcony. The Volantis sun, warming the day. 

She tasted like the Dornish wine they had with lunch, so sweet. As he separated from her his eye found hers.

"Thank you."

"You will make me so proud, Aemond. I trust you above all others. We are blood, we are dragons. Please don't be a stranger so far away."

"I will serve you well. If I lay a strong enough foundation, for a thousand years, Volantis will stand under Targaryen's rule."

Daenyra left Volantis smiling. 

Vhagar was in her personal as was Aemond. Her cities would remain under her control and her position would never be challenged. 

Sitting on her golden throne Daenyra smiled as the twins tried to show their mama the traditional dance they had just finished learning. 

Viserra couldn't stop giggling while Viserys' little face was scrunched in concentration. Rhaegar stood beside his mother's throne. He had been with her all morning, learning what it means to be king. Aemma sat off to the side reading an obnoxiously large book that barely fit in her lap. 

Derek came storming into the room, a letter in his hand.

"A raven, from Westeros." He announced, handing the paper to his Queen. 

She hesitated. She knew what it would say. She remembered the show and what followed. She knew on that little slip of paper would announce not only the death of her father but the commencement of the dance of dragons.

She gingerly opened the letter, recognizing the writing as Alicent Hightower. 

'Queen Daenyra "the conqueror" of house Targaryen,

I regret to inform you that King Viserys has passed. Aegon has been crowned King as Viserys' final wish. Rhaenyra has returned to Dragonstone with her family. My greatest condolences.

Queen- Mother Alicent Hightower.' 

Daenyra couldn't explain why tears filled her eyes. She knew this day was coming. Hell, she knew of his death the moment she was born into this world. 

But she couldn't help but remember the kind man who loved her so completely. He was weak, but he was kind. It was so rare that Daenyra knew someone... kind. 

A single tear fell gracefully down her cheek. 

The children looked in shock as they saw their mother's reaction. Rhaegar immediately jumped into action, "Mother! Are you alright? What's wrong?"

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