Bonus: Conquest Flashback (The Birth of Rhaegar)

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"DRACARYS!" Daenyra roared from atop the mighty dragon. The men of Braavos screamed as the dragon's flame devoured their flesh.

Her stomach was swelled with her first child, she was nine moons pregnant and though most women in her condition rest in preparation for the birth, the conqueror was no such mortal. 

She felt another cramp in her side, a nearly blinding convolution that made her groan in discomfort. 

Fire and blood coated the battlefield around her as she looked toward her cheering men. They had won yet another battle. 

"Good girl, let's head back." Daenyra cooed in High Valyrian to her winged partner. 

As they touched down back in the dragon keep of a nearby fortress, her husband Valaar came out to meet her. 

"I must once again express my concern, my love. Fighting in your condition-"

"Your concern is duly noted. However, I am a dragon. My child will be a dragon. What better setting for a dragon child to grow than among fire and blood?" She saw him sigh in defeat.  Valaar absolutely worshiped his queen, he was physically incapable of denying her anything. If she decided she was to fight while pregnant that the battlefield was where she would be. 

"I leave now to discuss the next attack with Khal Rhago."

"Take Derek with you. He knows my will better than even I." She commanded holding onto the wall as another blinding pain shot through her. 

"Are you alright, my heart?" He asked in concern, holding his wife's clenched fist. 

"Go now." as always, he obeyed without question.

"FUCK!" Daenyra roared as another agonizing contraction ripped through her. 

"You are nearly ready to push, my lady." The Maestor said as another scream tore from her throat. 

"SHUT UP YOU FUCKING CUNT!" The poor man was well versed in High Valyrian so not even her efforts spared him her curses. 

From down the hall, they heard panicked screams, "FIRE! Fire in the keep!" 

Two handmaids left to see what was happening. 

From the hall, flames licked at the carpet, spreading into the room. The maestor stood in terror as the flames began to surround them. 

"AHHHH! PISS YOURSELF LATER! TELL ME WHEN TO PUSH!" The queen growled. Sweat clung to her, blood dyed the white night dress she wore. Blood and ash still dyed her skin from the battle she had fought meer hours prior. 

"Push my Queen, you must push."

She did for about three minutes she pushed. 

"It is moving along quickly, your majesty. I see the head. One final push and-"

"The knife you would use to cut the mother. Give it to me!" Daenyra growled. 

"W-What? M-My Queen-"

"It's not for me you fucking idiot! The blade is for him!"

From the shadows emerged a man in all black, the glint of his knife illuminated by the flames that had begun to surround the room. 

There stood a faceless man, an assassin from Braavos, who come to kill the would-be conquerer and her heir. 

With shaking hands the Maestor gave the knife to the Queen. 

With a roaring push, the Maestor barely caught the newly born babe, still wet from his mother's womb. She sliced the umbilical cord with the knife, stumbling to her shaking feet as the babe roared his first war cry. 

The Assassin advanced but in two quick movements, the Conquerer had that dagger in his throat. She watched as he choked on his own blood, he stumbled back into the flaming curtains, his corpse catching as well. He must have been the cheapest of the faceless men the people of Braavos could afford, knowing how expensive the faceless are and how easily this one fell. 

"Give me, my son," Daenyra growled. 

He was too terrified to protest as he handed the young prince to his mother. The maester ran, coughing at the smoke as he abandoned the flames. Daenyra held her son in her arms and it was as if the world stopped spinning around them. He was perfect in every way. Her son. 

Another form immerged from the hall, and Daenyra backed out of the reach of the blade, hiding amongst the flames. Dragons don't burn but Braavos cunts do. 

With no weapon, she held tightly to her newly born son. Her legs nearly bucked beneath her in agony as she dodged another blow. She hissed as the knife grazed her arm causing blood to pour down her arm.

She grabbed the extended arm of the faceless, pulling him into the flames with her. 

He screamed in agony as he turned to ash. There stood the bloodied, soot-covered queen among the flames.

Her dress had burned away along with the towel surrounding her son, the flames never touched either of them.  

The dragon egg meant for her son cracked open, and from it emerged a red baby dragon roaring and squealing like his human counterpart. 

"AHHH!" Daenyra grits her teeth as the afterbirth hit her, the placenta falling out of her with the rest of the fluids. 

Everyone had escaped and stood outside. The Maestor had told everyone what had happened, terrified that the queen was dead. 

Valaar, Rhago, and Derek all raced back to the keep, having seen the flames. 

They were held back by the guards, so the too wouldn't race into the flames to find their Queen. "MY WIFE AND SON ARE IN THERE!" Valaar panicked, clawing at the guards holding him back. 

The three men had listened to the tale of the Dragon Queen as the Maestor told the crowd having just emerged from the flames.

Right as the three men were about to butcher those who held them, a form emerged from the smoke and flames. 

There she stood, white hair coated in ash and blood. Her ivory skin was almost indistinguishable from the soot and blood, only some of which was hers. Blood poured down her leg as she stumbled naked out of the flaming keep. Around her collarbones sat a red baby dragon and in her arms was the sleeping prince newly born. 

Both of them were untouched by the heat and fire. 

All fell to their knees looking at the queen, they had dubbed immortal. 


There were ballads written of Rhaegar "battle-born" Targaryen's birth. The tale reached Westeros sending terror through the royal family for their dear diamond and her heir. 

Shortly after his birth, they took Braavos. The baby dragon, Valgon, stayed at Rhaegar's side treating him like a brother he refused to part with. 

The story of his birth would create an image of their Targaryen line, an image of immortal dragons born of fire and blood. Above mortal men, they flew. 

"ALL HAIL! Queen Daenyra "the Conqueror" of House Targaryen, first of her name. Queen of Essos, Lady of Camalot, Protector of the Free Lands, the Mother of Twin Realms, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, The Golden Queen, and the Breaker of Chains.

ALL HAIL! Prince Rhaegar "Battle-born" of House Targaryen. Heir to Essos. Heir to Camalot. The Unburnt! "

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