Chapter 20

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The cold northern wind beat at Daenyra's face as Ceniza flew towards Winterfell. 

Daenyra had forgotten herself. She forgot what she truly was. So dazzled by her children and the power to help people she had softened. 

She had forgotten that she was a weapon. She had forgotten what the hunger for revenge tasted like. She had forgotten the ruthlessness of her youth. 

The death of Daegon reminded her. 

Reminded her how blood felt on her hands. Reminded her of the insatiable fire of ambition. 

She had become weak, it was time to return to how she was. 

She slid off of Ceniza, and the guards of Winterfell recognizing her as a Targaryen opened the doors. She pulled her cloak tightly around her as she waited for Lord Rickon Stark in his office. 

Rickon had become Lord of Winterfell after his father's death a few years after she left for Essos. He had written her, but she never responded. 

She had crafted the perfect story to tell. It was time to return to her roots. 

Rickon entered and a look of rage and heartbreak entered his cold grey eyes. 

"What are you doing here, Daenyra?" He spat. The hurt was clear in his face. 

"I know that you said you never wanted to see me again... I-I know that... But I need your help." She made herself small, vulnerable as if the mere sight of him was a fresh wound. 

He froze for a moment, still as death as a look of confusion drew on his face, "What?" 

"I know you told me never to come back but I had no choice Rickon, I-"

"W-wait stop! When did I say these things?"

She allowed a look of anger to cover her pretty features as she looked at him, "Do not play with me again, Rickon. I have no time, nor heart left for your games."

"Daeny... I beg of you. Tell me exactly what happened after you left Winterfell all those years ago." Rickon said desperately, grabbing her by her arms. 

"I went to the funeral of Laena Velaryon... After the funeral, I asked my father to marry us. I told him that we were in love. I told him that I would marry none but you. He was angry at first, of course. He said that Winterfell was too far and that I was forbidden to marry you. I told him that he had no say in the matter, I told him that I had freely given my virtue to you so we had to marry. He was enraged but eventually, he accepted. He told me to write to you to come to Kingslanding and we would be married... "

She choked up as if the pain was still fresh. 

"What then... Daenyra, what happened then."

"WHY ARE YOU PRETENDING YOU DON'T KNOW?!?! Then you sent me that awful letter. You told me that it was a passing fling, it meant nothing. You said to never speak to you again. You said if I stepped foot in Winterfell I would be turned away at the door-"

"Daenyra, my love, I never sent you that letter! I never received any letter at all from you! You disappeared and I wrote to you only to never hear back..." 

"W-What? N-no... You're lying." Daenyra forced tears to fill her eyes as she looked upon Rickon in horror. 

Of course, she never sent a letter. She received all of his. But playing the poor tricked princess was a lot easier than saying sorry. 

"Daeny, of course, I wanted to marry you! I love you- L-loved... I mean I loved you... For so long I thought you abandoned me. For so long I thought myself a fool... Perhaps I was... I should have gone to you, I should have stormed kingslanding and asked for your hand... I suspect your father separated us." He inched forward holding her face in his hands. 

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