Chapter 9

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Nearly the exact moment her dragon landed, Daenyra found herself in her sickly father's embrace. 

He held her close, his shaky hands felt clammy as he pet her hair. "Oh my diamond, you've been gone far too long." His quaking voice filled with relief as she was once again by his side. 

"Oh, how I have missed you, Kepa!" She smiled and the gloomy day seemed to brighten a bit. 

"How were your travels dearest."

"Winterfell was beautiful, and the Starks were lovely. Rickon seemed rather taken with me as well, I suspect there will be a proposal soon enough..."

"Well, that comes as no shock, who wouldn't be taken by the jewel of the realm? What is the matter, my dear?"

A light mist of tears made her violet eyes glimmer as she held tightly to her father's hand, "It's just... throughout my journey my longing for home... for my family, it ached like an old battle scar. In my heart, I know it was not where I was meant to be. It is as if the seven themselves have something else planned for me."

He smiled, slightly relieved his spare would not be marrying so far from home. He wanted all his children to marry and yet the thought of entrusting Daenyra to another man took the breath from his lungs and filled him with rage. He knew she would one day marry, but he was thankful it was not this day.

"I understand. When you feel at peace, you will know your path. Come, let us go to the others. The funeral proceedings will begin shortly."

They walked at a slow pace, arm in arm, up towards the crowd. 

There she saw Rhaenera, with her two true-born sons and one bastard. A small smile graced the heir's face as she saw her sister. Though the day's festivities were dreary, all seemed to brighten the moment Princess Daenyra returned. 

The people's princess indeed. 

Aegon immediately sobered up the moment he laid eyes on his princess. How was he going to tell her that he was betrothed? Maybe they would run away to Essos and marry. Leave behind the titles and vial poisons of court. 

Baela and Rhaena also brightened slightly at getting to see the famed beauty of the seven kingdoms for the first time. Beautiful she was. Even with windblown hair and common flying clothes she still outshone the entirety of the assembly. 

The funeral began but Daenyra paid little mind to it. She already knew what would be said. Her attention was only captured when Daemon giggled at his own wife's funeral.

This family is fucking ruthless. 

Just a few more years and her plans would be complete. She had begun them so long ago and now they would be coming to fruition. 

Daenyra found herself pushed against a wall in a dark corridor, Aegon's lips ravaging her own as he held her close. She is not usually surprised but when a hand reached out and yanked her into the darkness of the keep she found herself a bit startled. 

"Oh, Daeny... My Daeny how I've missed you." Aegon practically moaned the words as he kissed down the length of her neck. 

She pulled his face to meet her own. "Oh Aegon, I've missed you as well... But I've heard some rumors..." She let tears fill her eyes as she gently caressed Aegon's face. 

"Tell me it's not true... You and Helaena... Tell me they lie." She whispered softly as the coo of a dove. 

"Father made a mistake... I-I didn't want this Daenyra. It is you and only you I desire." He practically begged her to believe him as he tried to kiss her again. She dodged his advances, stepping out of his embrace.

"You are betrothed, Aegon. Helaena is my sister, I would never... I love you both. I would never interfere." She let her voice shake as she watched Aegon panic. 

"Please, no. Daenyra it is you who I love! You who I worship above all others. I would kill Helaena and our father to remain at your side!" He tried to pull her to him once more only to be evaded again. 

"Do not speak such awful things into existence.'

" I mean it! I mean every word, I would burn down the whole of Westeros to be with you! If only you'd have me!"

"I'm sorry." 

With that she left him, tears falling down his porcelain face. A slow smile stretched across her features. 

If Rhaenyra was to fall, she needed Aegon.

She needed the dance of dragons to happen. But before any of that, she needed to finish what she had started so long ago.

She approached her father, knowing that he would soon be called away to deal with the green Targaryens and the black Targaryens. 

"Father I must speak with you... It is most important." 

"Come, sit, my diamond. Tell your Kepa of what ails you." 

She sat in front of his chair on the ground, as she did as a child. 

"When I was in Winterfell I had a dream. A dream that told me of my destiny and the destiny of my line." 

This caught his attention. She knew he was nearly obsessive about Targaryen's dreams, Aegon the Conquerer started this whole mess with a dream. Though he had never told Daenyra this, or anyone but his heir about the Prince who was promised

"Tell me of this dream." He spoke lowly. 

"I dreamed of the East. I saw myself freeing the slaves, they called me the breaker of chains. I watched the Targaryen sigil flying over Essos. A new conquer to form the twin realms. I saw a nation reborn... I watched as my line united with the crown of Westeros, uniting the twin realms. I saw a promised prince and a Song of Fire and ice. I saw the house of Targaryen conquer the world... I am meant to go east. I am meant to Conquer Essos so my children can conquer the world."

At the end of her speech, she saw a firelight in Viserys' eyes. She saw the hunger for a legacy.  

"Do what you were born to do. Some men were simply born to be buried. Some live on through the ages. Go east as the gods have told you. Conquer Essos and perform your destiny." 

"I'm afraid."

"Good. That will keep you alive. But you hold the gods' favor, you my darling will conquer the world." 

A smile spread on her face. 

Westeros was never going to be enough. When she decided to change her role during this game she wanted it all. She wanted the entire world kneeling before her. She had placed spies all through Essos years ago. She opened angel houses and sent little mocking jays throughout. She knew how to win, she knew what steps to take. 

As Viserys left to go deal with Aemond losing an eye and Lucerys being called a bastard, Daenyra followed leisurely behind. 

She would rule the world if it was the last thing she did. 

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