Chapter ten

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Ephemeral city
Post office Box 00,
Burntwood tower.

16th March, 1754

The Khane clan,

Much Patience we do not posses.

We wish our future ye do not digress.

Thou who offended the counsel of the mist dist not get good outcome,

Not only did ye say, but thee have done.

Incident that occured might not but bring death,

Unsettled winds, bitter with mirth.

The ruler, the traitor, the heir to thy own,

Must suffer, must pay, the debt that thou owns.

For thou hath cost this town the very life.

Thine spawns shall pay till thy generations end.

Fire, ice shall flood your return,

Thou must toil to pay thy debt,

Or till thee culprits are staked to burn.

Consequences await ye,
The Counsel of the mist warns Thee.

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