Intermission Chapter: About the Story

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Welp, we kinda fucked up with our upload schedule. After a rather refreshing (and unproductive) Easter Break, we're ready to upload again.

This chapter will serve as an intermission to our next canon chapter.  We will include some footnotes covering the lore of certain characters, and also the settings of this story.

Reading is not mandatory but advised.

Questions (as long as they are not concerned with the plot) are welcome!


About The World and the plot:

As rather new "commanders" ourselves, we don't have a too substantial understanding of the complete plot so far, so there isn't too much to say.

What we can say, though, is that we will potentially feature more "human" stuff; Things such as interaction with government representatives, high society, people in yellow zones, refugees...

And potentially ELID.

About the narration:

So far, the story has followed the eyes of G36.

But, we ARE putting consideration into narration in other perspectives. In the near future, the story might take on the third person narrative, where we switch between different perspectives, such as the Commander's, Kalina's, and other characters we are yet to introduce.

About the integration of game mechanisms:

T-Doll skill sets

Our way to explain the cooldown of skills is that: deploying skills or increasing the combat abilities require more processing power in the CPU of the doll. When that is required, there is overclocking, which causes more heat to be generated. A cooldown is therefore needed so the cooling systems can reduce temperatures to safe levels.

Dummy Linking

We are uncertain as to how we can explain dummy linking. May be featured later in the story, where the commander has more funds to play with.

T-Doll Repairs

T-Dolls are pretty sturdy, and fast as fuck. Most of them are capable enough to detect and avoid sparse incoming fire (or take a few hits). However, when the dolls do get injured, they go through repairs of different extents; On field, people will usually perform a "fast emergency repair", where they apply electrical tape over their wounds (works pretty well but can be easily undone). Off the field, a mechanic will perform more substantial repairs necessary to fix the damage inflicted, such as swapping fog the chassis or repairing a certain part with professional tools.

Critical injuries, such as the destruction of the cores, will cause the "death" of a doll, and disable it completely until replacement parts are fitted.

About Sector 09:

Due to our incredible abilities when it comes to writing, there may have been a few inconsistencies when it involves the description of Sector S09, the operations base of our good guys.

Initially, Sector S09 was nothing but a two story concrete building. The first floor features the commanding room, a server room, a common room and a kitchenette. The second floor includes the commander's office, Kalina's office, and the doll's private quarters.

Throughout the course of the story we will see expansions in numerous sections.

About Commander Heiden Leigh:

In the original game, we follow the eyes of a Commander stationed in Sector S09 (and later in Sector S05) in which they battle for righteousness.

Throughout the whole storyline in the game, we see the commander creating miracle after miracle; Getting commanding rights over the 16Lab elite Dolls, demonstrating her impressive abilities by finding a way in and out of countless crises, getting more beneficial attention by the authority, et cetera.


What exactly are the commander's virtues? What are his motivations for doing all this?  Sure, we can say "renew the world" or "bring world peace" or something like that, but it just feels... off.

Thus, we've decided to try to make Commander Heiden less... overpowered. And more real, in a way. Instead of the somewhat unrealistic dedication we observe from the game commander, Heiden is more generic and real; He's not the person that will wilfully take on extremely dangerous missions. He's doing all this for pay, and more personal goals which we will reveal later in the story.

Due to that, some volumes in this story may potentially be non-canon.

About AK-74M:

I'm not a big one with an AK-74M. A severe lack of resources within the game meant that I never had the chance to use her within my echelons. Her artwork does give me an impression that she is an obedient, quiet and rather sly girl. Correct me if I'm wrong.

That, however, is not the case in our story.


[AK-74M]: "Your gun is equally sexy. I try it?"

Crap. AK plans to do equally stupid shit. Before I could stop her, she grabs my gun.

[AK-74M]: "So heavy! Complex! The optics are shit! I would have Kalashnikov Concern make sight for you if can!"

She pulls me out of my covers forcefully, after chugging vodka down her mouth, shattering the bottle on the floor, and dragging me on the throat, still basically naked, to the firing range.


As you can probably see, we unintentionally made her seem like the stereotypical Russian instead.

So to atone for our slight mistake, we've decided to lore AK-74M so that her personality module would glitch, and cause her to act with less rationale when she gets high.

About G36:

G36, a doll I (@CallsignCACTUS) am still yet to obtain (@kewwyboi got it though lmao), is the protagonist of our story.

Our protagonist comes from the world we live in, where Girls' Frontline is just a game on the shelves, and works as a software engineer. Due to unspecified reasons, the protagonist has chosen to commit suicide. Instead of his consciousness dissapating, however, it flows into the Girls' Frontline universe, and into G36's mind.


Because... plot.

The protagonist will retain all abilities a typical T-Doll has; She will have brief knowledge of certain other weapons, that of which she learnt from playing video games back on Earth. She will know how to cook and clean to a master's extent, thanks to her formerly being a maid. She is capable of increasing her own abilities by overclocking her processor. The only difference is that the dolls run on the neural cloud, and G36 has an actual "mind".

Due to G36's ability to maid well, she will serve as the adjutant of the commander.

We hope to get some good stuff in there.

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