Split Desicion

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Ben and Brooke drove home, exhausted from the events that took place. 

Daddy can you carry me, Brooke pouted.  Ben walked to the other side, he scooped his baby girl up, thankful this accident didn't bring her any harm. 

He placed her in the bed. Daddy can you lay with me, until I fall asleep? He looked at his phone it was now 8:45am he nodded. When Ben's eyes opened it was 6pm 

Dammit! Brooke we over slept.

 Hunh? what are you talking about Daddy.

 It's 6pm, her eyes went wide as she checked her phone to confirm. They took showers and got dressed.  

When they arrived at Seattle Grace, Brooke was the first to speak. Dad this hospital is pretty amazing. He side eyed her.

They walked to Tucks room, Ben pushed the door open with a knock. Tucker and Miranda jumped up.

 Where have you been, Miranda rushed out.  Ben rolled his eyes.

 Hello Tucker, he said breezing past her . Good evening Dr. Bailey he said smugly. Miranda walked to Tucks side, shooting daggers with her eyes.

 Hey Tuck, Ben sat next to him. 

Hi, he said groggy. 

Ready to take off the bandages. 

Yea. Brooke, Tuck reached out to her, she grabbed his hands. He pulled her down, and whispered into her ear. She laughed, and everyone looked at each other with a smirk. 

Ben unwrapped his face, removing the last piece suddenly Brooke screamed.

  Miranda ran over to see "What the hell, did you do to him!" She yelled and hit him in his side. When her and Tucker stood in front of Tuck, they looked at Tuck then Brooke who burst into laughter. 

I gotcha, Tuck said. Miranda held her chest.  That is not funny her voice picked up. 

Okay so Tuck, you look perfect everything is healing as it should be. Any questions? 

Uh yeah, when do I go home? 

The end of the week is ideal. 

Just then an intern ran into the room. 

Hey Miranda! Everyone turned to look, Excuse me?! 

Oh I'm sorry, Dr. Bailey. Dr. Grey needs your help in OR 2 its emergent. She looked back at Tuck.

 Don't even think about it Miranda, Tuckers voice carried through the room. 

Dr. Bailey? 

Miranda you are not on call, that is not your priority Tuck is. 

Tucker I will be right back. 

Tuck baby I will be back, so fast okay she tried to grab his hand but he pulled away and Ben noticed. 

She's my intern.

 And I'm your son mom. 

You're right,  she sighed. Benjamin can you please cover this. He walked off toward the OR, he saw none other than Richard Webber.  

Miranda I need help finding this bleeder. 

Ben pushed down his feelings ,and approached the sterile field and proceeded to assist. After a while Richard looked up.

 Hey I thought Miranda was coming?

 Her son is recovering from surgery, so her priorities is and will remain being present for her child. 

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