Moving On

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It had been 3 months since Ben left. The first month was the worst. She missed the closeness of having Ben with her, their dates, having someone to talk with and dump all of her successes and failures of the day, and not being judged or misunderstood. 

Not to mention sex. After getting it so frequently, she felt so frustrated sexually. She even snapped on little Tuck.

Her and Ben were getting ready to have phone sex. He was saying all the right things, looking at his naked chest as he rubbed baby oil along his six pack.

" Prop the camera up, lay back Miranda, now spread your legs." Just as she was about to, Tuck burst through the door. 

"Mom, I don't feel good." He rubbed his eyes. Miranda knocked over her phone with her leg and then threw her covers over her body.

"Let me feel your head!" She felt him, and he was burning up. She sighed and flipped her phone over, Ben silently waved goodbye. 

"Tuck, go in your room, and I'll find you something," she said with an attitude.

Different time zones, and both of them having busy schedules, didn't allot them time for 10 minutes of sex.

Going into work this day, she was really in dire need. Getting to work, her day was turned around when an arrogant nurse led her to the discovery that could reduce fistula.

"Dr. Bailey, can I take you on a date?" Nurse Eli asked

Miranda was hesitant, but her and Ben weren't in a relationship, so why not have fun? She accepted, convinced this was just a fun thing.

3 months later, Miranda was taking full advantage of Eli. Yeah, he wasn't good like Ben, but it did its job. She was content with what she was doing. What she didn't expect was Ben finding out.

Miranda was on her way home when she saw her phone light up. With the contact Ben pop up, she smiled it had been 3 weeks since she talked to him.

"Hey Ben," she smiled.

"Hey Miranda, how have you been?"

"Good, you?"

" Mmm, I've had better days. I was talking with Brooke, and she says you're dating someone?"

"Uh, I am just..."

 "Having sex with him?"

"Ben, you're not my father, you know that right."

"Were not in a relationship Miranda, why lie about something like this?"

"I didn't lie, I just didn't go into details. How has it been going." She changed the subject.

"Good, I am shocked by some of these injuries.  You wouldn't believe it, Miranda."

They talked for 30 more minutes and then hung up the phone.

Ben decided to keep his distance from Miranda after that, and he was disappointed when he saw she didn't even attempt to call. He was even more devastated when Tuck called him to tell him Miranda was pregnant. He knew what he thought would be rekindled was done.

When Ben's Mission was coming to an end, Brooke came to him and asked him, "Daddy, what do you think about us staying a while longer?"

"What? Are you sure you don't miss Tuck?"

"Dad, me, and Tuck agreed to be friends. He has a girlfriend, and I'm cool with that. The things you are doing here are amazing."

Ben took in what she said, then extended his mission for 2 more years.

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