Chapter Twenty Seven: Someone like me

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"Come lay with me," Megatron said as I was in his berth room.
"S-s-sure," I responded.
Megatron's back was against the wall as I played down with him my back facing him as he pulled me back against his chest.
"I hate that you've changed me but I must say I enjoy that you did at the same time," he said his face nuzzled into my neck.
"I honestly don't know what I did to change you,"
He chuckled.
"You've entered in my life that's what you did to change me,"
"So you and Megatron huh?" Skyscraper asked chuckling.
"So what no need to be jealous," I replied back in my head.
"Jealous? Why would I be jealous of you Two? He's the one who shot me dead!"
"Oh well so not my problem I'm in control of your body now so get used to it'
A light growl was heard in the back of my head.
" is everything OK Fay? You looked stressed,"
"Its just Skyscraper,"
"What is she saying?"
"Nothing important she's just talking,"
"Are you sure? Let me know if things get too intense between you two and I will have no choice but to shut both of you down,"
" don't slip up I'm not trying to get shut down here,"
"We should go on power down mode rest for the morning to come,"
"Goodnight Megatron,"
"Goodnight Fay," he says pulling me even closer than before.
"Things are a bit quiet around here," I told my partner as we made our way over to the energon drinks.
Breakdown yawned while stretching his arms.
"Probably because the morning just started everyone is probably still asleep,"
I nodded in understanding as I sighed.
"Something wrong?"
"Yeah its just I miss Fay a wholr bunch. If only Starscream hadn't of tortured her maybe then she still would of been here with us,"
"That's a possibility but she's happier with Megatron and don't worry Knocks I miss her a whole bunch too,"
"Yeah I mean-" our conversationn was interrupted when an explosion hit, making the ship rock back in forth as Breakdown and I screamed.
An alarmed sounded as the ship continued to go down.
"All Decepticons the ship has been hit prepare for landing and battle the Autobots have arrived," Megatron said through the intercom.
We were all in Wheeljack's Jackhammer. We were going to have Skyscraper no matter the cost.
"Autobots once this ship lands give it all you got to defeat these Decepticons and take Skyscraper," I told them as they all nodded in agreement.
"I sense a Prime," Skyscraper said as I was standing next to Megatron.
"Optimus Prime?" I asked out loud as Megatron looked at me.
"Optimus is still alive? Scrap Fay he's here for me cause I'm an Autobot and I used to be one of his best friends,"
"Friends with the Prime?"
Our conversation ended when the ship landed hard on the ground.
"Fay you stay in here,"
"No I wanna help,"
"You idiot if Optimus sees you he'll take you and that make you away from Megatron,"
"No. Fay listen to me I do not want you getting hurt during this battle. Primus and Unicron both know what will happen if I do. I'll be back I promise,"
"Megatron," I say as a tear slipped from my eye.
I didn't want him getting hurt.... I feared that he might die because of me. Megatron placed a hand on my cheek and wiped the lone tear from my face.
"Do not cry Fay especially for someone like me,"
"Promise you'll come back safe,"
"I can't guarantee the safe part but come back yes. Stay safe Fay," he said kissing me on the head before running out.
"Wow Fay there is a chance he might not come back"
"THANKS FOR THE VOTE OF CONFIDENCE SKYSCRAPER!" I yelled in my head worried enough as it is.

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