08. Acceptance

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"Distinguished members of the Sekai Taikai, I thank you for gracing us with your presence." Silver had spoken up. "I'm Sensei Silver and this is my head student, Ashni Rivera."

Ash bowed at the senseis, resulting in them bowing back to her.

Ash had known about Terry's plan to join the Sekai Taikai long before.

Maybe that's what had her so anxious.

And now that they were here, her anxiety had peaked.

"Sensei Silver, I'm Gunther Braun." A man in a blue suit had said. "I speak for the Sekai Taikai. As you know, our admission process is quite rigorous. Despite your overtures, we cannot guarantee admission."

"Understood." Terry had nodded at the man. "But I assure you, Cobra Kai is worthy of entry."

Gunther had hummed in response as Terry began walking towards Kim and the other senseis.

"As you can see, our dojo is state-of-the-art." Terry had said before they stopped in front of Kim and the senseis. "And our senseis are second to none."

The man in the middle of the mat had done a complicated move, landing perfectly on his feet.

"Very impressive." Gunther had hummed out before looking to Terry. "But there are many impressive dojos in the world."

"Which why it's a shame more people haven't heard of them." Terry had said before he took another step forward. "But that's where we can help each other out. Corporate sponsorships. Broadcast rights. I have the resources and the connections to make the Sekai Taikai a household name all across America. It's a huge market. One you've never been able to tap. Until now."

Gunther had let out a breath at Terry's words.

"Karate gave my life structure, function, purpose, and it's doing the same for my students." Terry had said as he looked to Ash. "I only want to spread its lessons further. Give every kid the chance to learn and grow through karate. Just like I did."

"Thank you for your generosity, but this review is entirely about the quality of your students." Gunther had said as he glanced to Ash before glancing to the other students who had been practicing their katas.

Ash had exchanged a look with Henry, who nodded at her.

"That won't be a problem." Terry had hummed out before he looked to Ash expectantly.

Ash smiled at Gunther.

"Our dojo is the best in the Valley." Ash had told Gunther genuinely. "When I first joined karate, I was a scared little girl. Scared about the cruel men and women out there in the world. Sensei Silver helped me learn how to protect myself. And he's done nothing but help other students also learn how to not only protect themselves but also defend themselves, fight back when needed to. Cobra Kai is about strength and willpower, my fellow students and I are strong and we are willing to show you just about how good we are. And how much we deserve to enter the Sekai Taikai."

Terry smirked at Ash as she said word for word the exact monologue he had her rehearse the entire day the day before.

Terry looked to Gunther who seemed impressed at the girl's words.

Just as Gunther was about to speak up, a new voice had.

"Did he pay you to say that or are you just completely brainwashed?"

Everyone turned to see Johnny Lawrence, Daniel Laursso, Chozen and Amanda Larusso.

Johnny was the one who had spoken, eyeing the girl.

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