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"𝐎𝐇 fuck Isa." Kirk groaned, his fingers wrapping tightly around the raven's waist securing her hips in place.

Above him Isla moaned, her hips attempting to run away but unable do to the grip her husband had on her.

With a few more thrusts both came undone, Isla's body colliding with man's below her, their breathing faltering in syncretism.

"You're amazing." Said Kirk bringing his arms around the woman's back bringing her in closer. Humming into his chest Isla fought back a smile, his praise churning in her stomach.

Interrupting their moment from the bedside table Kirk's phone rang. In an instant the raven remove her smaller frame from her husband's knowing what was to come next.

Wanting to question her actions but needing to attend to his call Kirk held his finger up insinuating the woman waited.

Rolling her eyes Isla did the opposite, quickly lifting from the mattress to make her escape to the bathroom.

"Yello." Was the last thing the woman heard before separating both room and bathroom with a door.


As expected when leaving the bathroom Kirk was fully dressed, his hands tussling through his mane as he paced back and forth across the room in search of something.

With arms folded across her chest, Isla took a seat at the foot of the bed watching her husband with a disappointing glare.

"You're leaving?" She questioned, her voice so low if it weren't for their proximity the husband would have missed.

"I'm sorry baby, Earl needs me at the office."

"It's past eleven." The raven scoffed.

Noticing the difference in her tone Kirk paused in his actions, eyeing Isla carefully before sighing.

"Another time." Was all he said throwing on his coat then exiting the room. Wrapping her arms securly around her robe Isla quickly followed behind the man.

"I don't want to talk about it another time! We can do this now."

"No we cannot. Now keep your voice down the kids are in bed." The husband fired back.

"You didn't seem to mind the noise earlier." Spat Isla earning an exasperated sigh from Kirk.

Before he could make his exit a small hand wrapped around his arms tugging him back.

"Isla." He called warningly.

"I don't want you to go." The raven frowned tightening her hold when noticing the husband's attempt to pull away.

"I know, but I have to. When I get back I'll make you and the girls breakfast, promise." Kirk tried to reason.

"Oh please Kirk you and I both know it's more than enough people in the office, why is it everytime Earl call you go running?" Isla scorned forcefully releasing her grip on the husband's wrist.

"He's in charge, without him these bills will go unpaid Isa." Again the husband's phone rang, tickling his pockets as his hands felt around the material.

"Is there someone else?" Muttered the raven, her eyes locking on the pocket that continued to taunt her with a ring.

It was now Kirk's time to scoff his hand quickly retracting the phone then placing it to his ear.

"Walking out now." He spoke never breaking eye contact with the raven standing in front of him. Once the call ended silence danced around the pair, Isla's gaze faltering from her husband's as her vision started to blur over with tears.

"You didn't answer the question." Sliding the phone into his pocket Kirk leaned forward slightly to place a small kiss on Isla's forehead, her eyes fluttering close at the soft contact. Though just as quickly as it came, it left, leaving warmth spreading throughout the spot kissed.

"Get some sleep Isa, I'll see you in the morning." And then the husband was gone, leaving the raven stunned and curious as to why her question still went unanswered.

Though she didn't want to admit, she herself could answer the question, Isla just wanted to her husband to confirm otherwise.

Yet he didn't, instead leaving her.


a|n: I know it's short but it's just the prologue, hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote.

Love you baby and please be safe !!


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