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a/n: i forgot i even started writing a book i deleted the app and everything i'm sorry y'all 💀 ANYWAY let's get back into it!!


Axela watched as the other woman made her exit. Feeling as if her heels were glued to the floor at first she didn't move. Staring at the wood wondering how she got herself involved in a situation as such.

What made matters even worse is the fact that Axela hadn't even done anything with the woman's husband, and yet she was already feeling like shit.

The blonde knew what she did, she knew what her job was, still she never stopped to think how her work affected the many other women to the men who were married.

She never bothered to do so because work is work. She didn't stop anyone else's pay so nobody should come between hers.

At least that's how she justified herself.

Turning to face the mirror Axela made sure she herself was still put together. The younger girl brushed her fingers through her blonde streaks fluffing it then allowing her hair to rest over her shoulders.

Her makeup still sticking to her face like glue.

When finished Axela grabbed her purse then making her exit as well, her heels clicking against the marbled floor.

It wouldn't be in the woman's character for her to immediately look for Isla but she did. Blue eyes darted around the dimly lit room in hope of finding that familiar color of emerald green that draped around the woman's figure.

To her dismay Isla's bar seat was warmed by the body of some random man.

Axela couldn't tell you why she cared.

For all she knew the woman was just another wife looking to figure out why her perfect life is suddenly going to shit. But it was something about the raven that made the younger girl want to protect her. Even if Isla was years older than her Axela felt like she needed security.

A life jacket because her boat had just sank.

Shaking herself out of a long hole she were just about to fall into Axela strutted in the direction of the bar needing to talk to Arsenal though froze when a callused hand wrapped around her own slowing her step.

It was the husband, or Kirk if you may.

"Sorry if i'm being too forward but I think you left something at the counter." He said, his eyes boring into a dark shade of blue that instead searched behind him for his wife.

But Isla wasn't there.

When the man's words finally registered her brows furrowed when meeting his gaze.

"I'm sorry?" Kirk smirked slipping a neatly folded napkin into her hand.

Axela observed the cloth, noticing how it was folded with precision like the man had taken his time just for a little task like that.

"For allowing me to borrow your cloth." Kirk added as his hand lingered with Axela's.

She had been the first to pull away, a small yet imitated smile of her own tugging at her rouge red lips.

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