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The husband didn't look anything as expected. To be completely honest she envisioned him ugly, bald, and a little on the plus side because they're usual the type of men who are the most douche but Kirk was appealing to the eyes.

Still Axela couldn't shake the feeling that he'd cheat on a woman like Isla. Kirk was attractive yes, but Isla was more than just her face.

You can have a pretty face and still have an ugly personality to ruin it all for you and to Axela, that was the woman's husband.

Her task tonight was simple, flirt only with her eyes which was something she was spectacular at. Yet the blonde would be lying if she said she wasn't just the slightest bit of uncomfortable.

Talking to another woman's husband didn't bother her but the situation was different when the wife was right beside him.

In a way even with her permission she felt as if she was disrespecting Isla and the thought made her uncomfortable.

Across the room Axela had been sitting on her usual circular leather couch in the middle of the room, her legs crossed and glass in one hand as she waited patiently for her cue to be given.

Feeling a familiar warm gaze on her almond eyes cuts to big brown ones noticing the wife's eyes on her from across the room.

Isla took the time to take in her outfit which was a bit different than the last time Axela had seen her.

Usually Isla was dressed in button up shirts and pin skirt with brown stockings.

Though it was always professional Axela admired it because it fit the woman so well.

But tonight was different, the silk dress not only insinuated every curve but the emerald green color complemented her beautifully.

Axela's face morphed into one of disgust at the thought of her husband being such an idiot to screw up what they had.

From across the room Isla swallowed heavily, her hands beginning to shake slightly when turning back to face her husband.

Axela tilted her head at this, the woman couldn't have been nervous this was her plan after all.

So what caused her to react that way?

The blonde decided to get the ball rolling, lifting from her comfort beginning to walk towards the couple.

Axela made sure to sway her hips more than usual knowing she was specifically in the husband's eye line.

Ignoring the gaze of a few other men she'd strolled by, Axela's eyes finally met Kirk's, his breath hitching in his throat just a bit. They kept contact for a few seconds though it felt like minutes went by, to Axela's it was torturously long but Kirk he enjoyed the pause in time.

Shaking his head to pull himself out the daze made Axela smirk in satisfaction.

Men were the easiest species to manipulate because they objectified everything. Even the smartest man in the world could be persuaded just by the mer sway of hips.

It was disgusting but working in Axela's favor. Finally she'd focused on the room in front of her strutting passed the married couple and towards the other end of the bar taking a seat.

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