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The raven couldn't think straight, here she was sitting right in front of her husband dolled up to his liking and still his eyes drifted to another woman. 

Isla knew this was her idea but suddenly she felt as if she wanted to call the whole thing off. The woman started to feel insecure, envious that the blonde could gather his attention in all of a few seconds whilst he barely noticed his own wife.

Suddenly feeling as if the room was too small Isla needed to get away, she was always aware that if her husband had any chance of approaching the blonde it would be when she's not around.

She frowned at the thought praying he'd prove her wrong and not do such.

As her drink was brought to her lips Isla's hand shook with purpose so that a bit would spill down her dress.

"Shit." She cursed bringing her husband's focus back to her.

"You drunk already Isa?" He smirked grabbing the cloth off from under his glass handing it to his wife.

Accepting it Isla rolled her eyes playfully.

"Shut up it was only three shots."

"And yet you can't hold your liquor." His eyes took in the staining of the woman's dress, "Literally." He added with a smile.

Swatting him with the towel Isla stood from the stool pulling her dress down as it rode up with her.

"I'm going to go try and clean this up, ask Arsenal for another cloth will you?"

Kirk nods giving her the okay to finally make her escape. As she walked to the bathroom the raven took a glance over at the blonde and bartender who looked as if they were bickering about something.

Pushing the bathroom door open Isla slipped inside finally feeling as if she could breath again. Though this feeling only lasted momentarily because the next inhale she took came out in shakes.

Her legs wobbling as she walked over to the sink gripping it for support.

What was wrong with her? Had she aged? Did her husband just not find her attractive anymore? These questions were traveling in circles around her head as she took in her appearance in the mirror.

Isla had two children for crying out loud, of course her body wasn't going to be a fit as the other woman's, yet she felt like it needed to be.

Isla didn't want to blame the other girl, she'd asked for confirmation skeptical to even go about this plan and yet the raven pushed her.

Now she's regretting it watching the events play out in her face.

Isla knew her husband, she knew that with the given opportunity Kirk would move in on Axela any minute now.

Isla's stomach churned at the idea suddenly making her feel as if she had to throw up.

So she did, rushing to one of the stalls spilling everything she'd consumed over the last hour or so.

Alcohol did not mix well with insecurities apparently.

The raven didn't know how long she'd been clinching to the toilet for but it felt as if little to no time had passed.

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