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"No Avi." Isla sighed with her back towards the daughter on the counter as she plates her children's breakfast.

It was a Saturday morning and while Isla was free from her job, she wasn't free from her duties of being a mother.

If anything Saturday's were the most hectic because Aviana and Liliana always had so many activities to do.

She insisted the girls keep themselves limited not wanting to stress them but her husband convinced her otherwise.

Said that an idle mind was a devil's playground.

It was a stupid saying that made no sense to Isla but she didn't fight him on it.

On the counter Aviana groaned in irritation, "I'm just asking to skip one game, I have a lot of homework to do before next week." She lied, Aviana was always on top of her studies.

"Nice try but you need this."

"No I don't, you and dad need this." The daughter mumbled stubbornly folding her arms across her chest.

Isla frowned turning to face the younger girl handing her a plate, "Is that what you think?" She whispered with the tilt of her head.

Placing her plate onto the counter space beside her Aviana looks down with a shrug. "I don't know sometimes it just feels like you guys want us doing all of this because it looks good on you, not Lily and I."

"Baby..." She says softly knowing for her that was anything but the reason.

To be sixteen Aviana was very mature for her age, she had to be with a father like Kirk. He expected just as any other parent though double the work because he was so successful himself.

Since elementary school Aviana has brought nothing home but straight A's.

She refuses to let herself get any lower because she wants to meet her father's unrealistic expectations.

So much in fact that it's burning her out.

Isla's heart aches when it's passed midnight and she finds her daughter surrounded by books.

The girl didn't get out much because she's always kept so busy with school, and soccer, she's also in debate club and on the mathletes team in school.

Isla was the one to suggest soccer she could admit, but it was only because she thought the surroundings would be good for her socially.

At first, though her daughter wouldn't admit it Isla could see that it was a fun activity for the girl.

Aviana would come home discussing some of the events over dinner with a smile on her face.

Then her father turned it into a chore, making her want to drop the sport entirely.

Unfortunately before she could explain her side in came Kirk, a smile on his face placing a kiss on both husband and daughter's forehead.

"Where's Lily?" He asks with raise brows.

Sliding off the counter Aviana took her plate moving onto the other side to take a seat. "She's still getting dressed."

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