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a/n: "working my life away i wish i could just stop and go on a cruise" anyway happy new year guyssssss <3


"What you do, for your work...does it make you feel good?"

Isla didn't know what it is was about her statement but Axela hadn't blinked since.

The raven was starting to think she'd completely went into shock until finally Axela met her eyes again; the sudden contact making Isla's stomach churn in discomfort.

"Is everything ok?" She asked her, her voice timid and uncertain not sure what territory she was walking on.

"I uh, yeah sorry I was just thinking."

"You'd been like that for a whole beat, I was starting to get worried." Isla smiled softly hoping to ease whatever unsettling feeling the other woman was enduring.

Axela returned the smile but it came out more so as a grimace. Changing the subject the blonde cleared her throat.

"What exactly is it you want Isla?" There was a edge of curiosity in her tone that made Isla's brows perk up.

"I told you, I wanted to figure out what it my husband has going on."

"And you thought what? Handing him off to another woman would give you the answers?" Her words were like a slap to the raven's face, eyes narrowing then falling down onto her cup.

"You already know he's cheating why do you want to take this a step further...you're the only one whose going to end up hurt in the end."

"I have children Axela." Isla huffed her fingers gripping tightly around her mug.

"Two girls, how am I supposed to tell his children...girls that idolize him that he's a-"

"Sorry excuse of a father?"

"Cheater." She shook her head. "Kirk is a great father he loves his girls, I just wish he'd still felt the same for me."

Biting her tongue Axela tried to sympathize with the woman before immediately judging her, knowing she were on the sensitive side.

"I'm not saying that I won't do it, I just need you to be sure this is what you want."

"It is." Isla replied confidently to which the blonde nodded leaning back in her seat.

A wave a silence rushed over them as both woman reflected on what was to come next.

"What do you want me to do?" Axela finally asked.

"What you do best, i'll bring him by the speakeasy later tonight but don't make any moves towards us or at him directly."

"I only want you to walk past us a couple of times, stare at him from across the room that sort of thing so that you're in his head."

"Simple." Axela hummed bringing her tea to her lips.

"Here take my number down, i want details of every interaction you guys have after the speakeasy." Said Isla taking a paper towel out of the dispenser and a pen from her purse quickly jotting down her phone number then sliding it across the table.

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