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"Oh good you're here!" Rachelle beamed quickly rushing from behind the desk to take the raven's coat. Now walking alongside each other Isla listened as the assistant read the daily itinerary.

"Kelly left an email she says it's very urgent you contact her." To this Isla groaned, Kelly was the mother of a young patient she were seeing, Marielle.

They had been doing small sessions for about three weeks now but Isla is failing to see the problem. The mother insisted the child was acting out at home, speaking vulgarly and disrespecting her but after sitting with the younger girl Isla was quickly able to discover that this was just another narcissistic mother situation.

"I worry for that girl you know, the mother is insufferable." Isla grumbled tossing her bag onto her desk then beginning to tidy up around the office.

Rachelle gave a sad smile before continuing, "Randol also contacted he wanted to know if he can meet with you next week and you also have someone in the waiting room for you." Said the assistant while handing Isla all of her reminders on the index cards.

"You're the best Rachelle thank you hun." Giving a nod the brunnete fought from beaming at the compliment instead leaving the raven so that she could go fetch the patient.

Shuffling through the cards Isla took notice in her upcoming patient, Linoel Courtess.

Taking in the scenery Isla let out an exasperated sigh, if she were a patient she would hate sitting in this office for hours. The walls were white and bare, not wanting anything to bring distraction to the sessions and the room itself had little furniture.

It was simply her desk and two bean bag chairs sitting in the middle of the floor, though there was a plant sitting alone in one of the torturously boring four corners.

Isla thought about decorating the room so that it could feel more inviting to her patients but unfortunately was told she had to do otherwise because many of the people deflected easily.

Nevertheless, Isla's personality carried the sessions.

The raven was filled with warmth when talking to her patients and for this most of them opened up easily.

A soft tap on the door pulled the woman away from her thoughts, "Come in." She spoke gently.

From behind the door frame emerged a boy that looked as if he were in his teen years. His hair styled shaggy and his clothes ten times his actual size.

"Hi, you must be Lionel." The boy nodded stiffly keeping his hands by his side rocking on his feet nervously.

"I'm Doctor Montgomery, would you like to take a seat?"

Along the room blue eyes scanned, Linoel taking in his surroundings skeptically. "Ok." He whispered once his eyes landed on the older woman again.

Across from each other the two sat, Isla with one leg folded over the other and Linoel keeping both legs pressed together.

"How old are you Linoel?" Isla asked.

"Sixteen." The boy replied refusing to remove his hands from his sides.

Studying the boy made Isla frown slightly, his body was not only tensed but one of his legs seemed to be bouncing to the beat of anxiety. The boy barely looked as if he was breathing, his breaths coming out as quick puffs before inhaling.

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