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Age: 16
Settling: A bar in Kansas

"What about that guy?" Catalina says pointing to an older man that sat two seats behind him.

Not wanting it to be obvious that the two girls were discussing him, Axela told the girl to give a description so she didn't need to turn around.

"Uh, thin hair...like really thin but he doesn't look older than forty- wait...no i think he's gay." She sighed loudly throwing her head into her hands.

"How do you know he's gay?" Axela laughed bringing her straw of lemonade to her mouth.

"He's wearing a button up striped shirt and tight jeans, to a bar Aze." Scoffed the brown haired girl with the roll of her eyes.

"So? This is kansas." Both girls laugh.

"Ok how about that one." This time Catalina pointed to a man sitting at the bar, it was another older guy though one that looked more put together.

His hair shaggy and cut short, and he was dressed in a business attire.

The stranger looked no more than thirty.

"How much?" Asked Axela with the tilt of her head.

"Twenty bucks you can't get him to buy for us." Catalina stated confidently.

"Oh please, this is childsplay." Pushing up her bra Axela then stood from the table not bothering to pull her dress down as it rode up her thigh a bit.

"Damn, I'd date you." Catalina smirked batting her lashes at the blonde.

"In your dreams maybe." Blowing a kiss Axela then parted, making her way to where the older man sat. Fluffing her hair she subtly slipped into the seat beside him pretending not to notice.

Axela was only sixteen, but could push for twenty with the right amount of makeup and attire.

So she and her bestfriend did just that, they got all dressed up on a random friday night just to go out and see what rando they could trick into buying them alcohol.

"Excuse me." Axela clears her throat tapping onto the man's shoulder. Turning to face her, his eyes trailed along her figure stopping momentarily at her chest before meeting her eyes again with a smirk.

"What can I do for you doll?" Axela wanted to roll her eyes but refrained from doing so.

"Could I borrow your napkin, my friend spilled her drink and the server is taking forever to bring a new batch." Without hesitation the man slid the napkin across the bar to her. When reaching for it his hand wrapped around hers, a devilish grin painting his lips before pulling away.

"Thank you." She smiled then lifting from the stool walking back over to her table.

As she moved she could feel the strangers eyes on her and tried not to stumble from nerves.

"Booooo!" Catalina roared giving the girl's a thumbs down as she approached her table again. "You were suppose to come back with drinks not damn napkins."

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