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"Damn it Isa will you at least hear me out?" Kirk groaned trailing behind his wife who zipped through the kitchen and up the stairs to the bedroom.

"I'm not going Kirk, leave it at that." Isla huffed attempting to slam the door behind her but failing as Kirk beat her to it, using his hand to stop the impact.

"Move." The wife spat venomously.

"It's just for a few hours, that's all." The husband begged using little to no strength to forcefully open the door sending Isla back with a slight nudge.

"It'll be at your favorite, Frenchies. And no that fucker from last time isn't invited it's just Earl and his wife, please baby." His persuasion was falling on deaf ears, just like every other word that's left his mouth this morning.

Every other month or so Kirk has these business dinners with his colleagues, they discuss future plans for the company and things Isla couldn't explain because she's spent most of her time tuning them out.

What Isla would be able to tell you is her purpose of being there, she was for nothing but show.

All of those disgusting dogs would bring the beautiful wives for the others to gawk at and envy, it's was childish and made Isla feel used.

Any other time the husband would be able to convince her despite her obvious want to stay home, but today was different.

Isla didn't want to hear nothing coming out of his mouth but an explanation to a question she wasn't going to be the first to ask.

Flashback To This Morning

"Morning baby." Murmured the husband pressing soft kisses onto Isla's back. Stirring in her sleep the woman's eyes slowly fluttered open, her body now turning to face the bare man beside her.

"Hi." She smiled allowing his arms to wrap around her waist pulling her closer to his front.

"How'd you sleep?" The husband asked with a hint of teasing in his tone. Him of all people knew the after math of going for hours.

"Shut up." The wife laughed shoving Kirk away from her.

"Are you hungry?" She asked watching her husband lift from the mattress not bothering to cover himself.

"I could eat, let me take a quick shower first." Isla nodded.

Once Kirk disappeared behind the close door Isla fell back into the sheets, her mind replaying the events of last night. Don't get her wrong Kirk and she has shared many moments but there was something pulling between the two of them last night.

He definitely showed no mercy.

From the nightstand Kirk's phone buzzed, pulling the woman away from her vulgar memories. At first she ignored the ringing, deciding to just tell her husband when he's finished with his shower.

Though after the first missed call his phone started flooding with messages, one being sent directly after each other.

With curiosity getting the best of her Isla's eyes darted between the bathroom door and Kirk's cellphone contemplating if she should look.

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