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"I hate that the two of you are still fighting." Jared mumbled into the blonde's neck as he planted soft kisses into her hair.

Sighing Axela shifted a bit on his lap so that she could pull back to face him, a frown coating her strawberry tinted lips.

"I just don't understand why she won't talk to me? It's been two weeks."

After the best friend's argument Catalina had took what Axela said to heart, she really didn't bother showing up to any of the shoots anymore.

Even when Axela insisted she came, sending hundreds of text Catalina didn't bother to reply to a single one of them.

"I know doll, just give her time she'll come around." The blonde shakes her head disagreeing knowingly.

"Cat has never gone more than a few days without speaking to me, we've argued before but this seems like more."

With a sigh the older man placed his hands onto her shoulders massaging them gently, his voice swooning her ears.

"Maybe she's jealous..." It was a statement Axela had thrown out during their argument but to hear it come from another mouth didn't feel right.

"I don't know." She replied hesitantly.

"Well I do, you can see it when i'm taking pictures of you...Cat wishes she could be in your shoes right now." His hands then drifted to her thighs stroking them in an up and down rhythm.

"You think?" She asks with a tilted head her face coating red as it flushed.

His hum in agreement came out as groggy which traveled from Axela's ears to the pits of her stomach.

"You know what else I know?"

"What?" She whispered with a smile.

"That you like me, and I like you." His palms dug further into her thighs now kneeding. "Who needs a cat when you've got the big dog right here baby?"

A giggle bubbled in her throat tickling the older man's ears. Pulling her closer Jared pressed a kiss to her lips, it was mer peck.

Whenever Axela would feel the man attempt to deepen it she would draw away quickly.

"Are you ready for today?" He asked pulling back now moving his hands to her waist.

"I'm nervous, just a little." The blonde answered shyly.

"Why nervous? You know I would never put you in harms way." Starring between Jared's eyes the blonde searched to see if she found sincerity in his words but it was impossible to read him.

So she blinked clearing her throat then giving a nod. "I know, this would just be a lot easier if I had Cat with me."

This time the man pulled away completely his face sternly serious as he looked at the blonde.

"You have to learn to do things on your own, especially if you're going to work with me Axela. Cat left you, people leave and you need to know how to move on."

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