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In the bathroom mirror isla pondered.

Her eyes scanning her figure entirely stopping at the slight indentation in her outer hips just above her thighs. Isla ran her fingers smoothly across the figure, tracing it's shape before sighing in disgust.

They didn't look anything like that perky red-headed waitress for her hips curved perfectly complementing her short legs.

Isla wasn't usually the insecure type for she's had her fair share of glances in admiration. There were plenty of eyes that looked as if they'd enjoy her despite the motherly figure.

But it wasn't their eyes she wanted, it was kirk's.

Never breaking her gaze from the mirror Isla's fingers now made their way into her hair, slicking down her bun with the tilt of her head as she observed the style.

Maybe Earl was right, her husband did prefer it down considering he was all over Sammy the waitress.

Just as Isla tugged at her lower bun the sound of someone silently cursing to themselves grasped her attention. She could hear them pull at the paper roller before slapping it in possible irritation.

"Is everything ok?" She asks hesitantly.

The noises from the stranger ceased, their heels pressing together nervously as she cleared her throat. "There's no tissue in this stall." Her voice was horsed, laced with a velvet coat.

Isla nodded in understanding marching over to the stall she'd used early then rolling off just enough pieces of tissue to give to the other woman. Without fully lowering herself onto the floor, Isla shifted her hand slightly under the stall so that her hands could meet with the stranger.

"Thank you." She whispered grasping fully onto the raven's hand causing Isla to jump slightly.

"Of course." She replied now exiting the stall taking her place in the mirror again starting to bring her session to an end.

After a few moments the toilet flushed indicating that the stranger was done.

Isla took that as her cue to go but before she could exit, heels clicked against the marble floor and there she stood.

The statued blonde she'd spotted earlier.

Though the stranger didn't seem to remember her, giving a polite smile then turning to the mirror to clean her hands. Isla stood awkwardly, her feet wanting to move and make her exit but her eyes focused on the girl next to her.

She looked fairly legal, about in her twenties with bright blue eyes and golden hair with soft pale skin to complement them.

"I think this is yours." Said the stranger clearing her throat. Isla wasn't sure she was speaking to her until she noticed they were the only ones in the bathroom.

Her gaze then shifted onto the sterling silver bracelet that decorated itself with diamonds.

Isla stood taken back by the beauty in the jewelry. "Oh that isn't mine, though i'm sure the person who dropped it is losing their mind right now." She chuckled.

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