CHAPTER FOUR - The dubious Babbling Beverage

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Professor Sharp had "rewarded" my tardiness by deducting 10 points from Gryffindor. Not walking into the room with red eyes from crying worth the disappointed muffles from my fellow housemates. Surveying the dimly lit space, I noticed the last available seat - next to Garreth. Praying that he wouldn't unleash his potions near my face during class, I greeted him with a slight nod and took my place beside him.

To my surprise, Garreth greeted me with a genuine warmth in his smile."Ah, Ophelia! There you are, ever gracious in your efforts to assist our Slytherin allies win the house cup this year, how kind of you."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his playful remark, though a chuckle escaped my lips. "Oh, Garreth, do relax. I've merely provided them with a fair advantage. After all, they'll need it," I added a mischievous wink for good measure.

As I glanced over at the Slytherin table, my eyes met Ominis's worried expression. He turned towards me, and it was evident that he hung onto every word that escaped my lips. Throughout the summer, I had intentionally kept my distance from him, despite his persistent barrage of owls. Hoping that Ominis would prove more understanding than Sebastian, I mentally prepared myself to seek his assistance after the class.

"Students!" Professor Sharp raised his voice to hush the chatter in the room. "As I mentioned earlier to those who graced us with their timely arrival, today's lesson calls for the brewing of two potions. Being members of the advanced class, I expect nothing less than impeccable mastery in your concoctions. As an added incentive, upon completion of each potion, your partner shall have the pleasure of sampling it and confirming its efficacy."

Gasps rippled through the classroom, quickly hushed by the professor's reassurance. "Needn't worry, these potions you are going to brew are safe, and even if the wrong ingredients are added, only minor side effects will occur. Open the book on page 45. Your first potion will be the useful Draught of Peace. Get to it."

With that, he retreated back to his office table, leaving us to brew our potions.

"If you botch this up, Garreth, I swear I shall transfigure you into a toad," I warned him, giving him a sidelong glance.

"And that I believe." he sighed.

For the following hour, an unusual silence enveloped the classroom, broken only by sporadic murmurs of "oh no"'s and "Merlin."'s Fully engrossed in my brewing, the lack of practice during the summer became evident, my skills appearing rusty. I could only steal fleeting glances at Garreth's potion, unable to discern whether he was following the instructions correctly or embarking on a path of questionable improvisation.

"Time to exchange potions!" the professor's voice boomed.

Judging by appearances, my potion seemed to have turned out reasonably well. I decanted a portion into a vial and handed it to Garreth, who had promptly offered me his own concoction. Although the color mirrored mine, I detected a distinct aroma that differed from my own creation.

"Only minor side effects; let's drink up," I said.

Suddenly, a piercing cry erupted from Imelda Reyes. "Ominis, you imbecile! You've electrified my hair!" Indeed, every strand of her once neatly arranged hair now stood defiantly on end, resulting in an utterly comical sight.

I couldn't suppress my laughter, and with my tongue still tingling, I couldn't help but exclaim, "Dazzling!"

"It's not amusing, Darcy!" Imelda bellowed, her voice escalating into a state of hysteria. "I demand an apology!"

Ominis, appearing contrite, interjected from the background, "I am truly sorry, Imelda."

But I was powerless to quell my laughter. Words escaped my lips, forming a nonsensical symphony of absurdity.

The Keeper's Legacy | Ominis Gaunt | Sebastian Sallowحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن