Chapter TWENTY TWO - From Drab to Fab

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Soon  the Gryffindor-Slytherin match and the afterparty chapters are coming :)

For an entire week, we were enveloped in a blissful cloud of happiness. Sebastian's infectious cheerfulness spread throughout our trio, even though Anne still adamantly refused to send a single word to him. Yet, the mere knowledge that her constant, nagging pain had finally subsided lifted our spirits in immeasurable ways.

On that same day, he came back from the hospital, I questioned Ominis about whether Anne had provided any valuable insights regarding the curse that afflicted her, now that we knew Victor Rookwood was to blame. Apparently, all she could recall were Rookwood's infamous words: "Children should be seen, not heard." However, she added an intriguing detail - the curse had a purple hue within its red streak. Anne wasn't entirely certain, as everything had happened so quickly, but I wondered if it could be significant.

My days were consumed with devoted studying and intense Quidditch practices, while evenings were dedicated to combing through the Daily Prophet archives in the Undercroft with Sebastian and Ominis. We meticulously scoured every half-sentence that remotely mentioned Rookwood.

Night after night, my friends were patiently enduring my incessant complaints about the discomfort of the Undercroft. I could not help it; sitting on cold stone or even an ancient, creaking barrel was not my idea of comfort, especially for my poor spine. Despite my reluctance to share it with others, I knew deep down that I would eventually cave in and reveal the Room of Requirements to them.

That sanctuary was now still solely mine—a refuge to which I could escape at any given moment, a bastion of safety that I held dear to my soul.

Despite Poppy's persistent questions about the magical creature, the Demiguise whereabouts since our detention, I remained tight-lipped even to her.

Finally, Friday arrived and with it the time to visit the ruins of Rookwood's once-grand castle with Sebastian. Ominis, however, refused to join us, asserting that we could not neglect our classes on a school day."

We had meticulously packed everything we required for our expedition, except, of course, my small pouch that had found itself at the bottom of a the lake in courtesy of Sebastian's 'help'. Since then, I was not able to replace it, neither the my much needed potions. The realisation that we were venturing beyond the castle gates without the healing Wiggenweld potion lodged an uncomfortable lump in my throat.

As we stepped out into the courtyard, the weather took a vehement turn and lightning accompanied the storm that was greeting us from the horizon. It didn't take a minute for us to get soaked to the skin.

Sebastian bemoaned our misfortune, "Looks like that wretched Merlin is pissing on us!"

"Do you still wish to go?" I asked, my enthusiasm waning. While I yearned to uncover the truth about Rookwood's intact portrait, my current mood did not lend itself to wandering around a dilapidated castle.

"Not really." He replied.

How peculiar it is that Sebastian has become the voice of reason for once. Perhaps my influence has had some effect on him, although I doubt any person could sway this wayward Slytherin.

With a sigh, I agreed, "Fine, although I hardly wish to attend my advanced magical history class in this state. I haven't even done the homework."

He dismissed my words entirely.

"Make no mistake, Ophelia. We are following your plan as promised in searching for Anne's cure, but we have made no significant progress so far. I hope you are fully aware of what you're doing. We cannot make any more delays. Next weekend, no excuses, we must go," Sebastian declared, turning on his heel and nearly slapping me across the face with his wet cape.

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