The imaginary snake

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Sebastian's abrupt comment cut through the air like a knife."I guess I better excuse myself then.""I shall not interrupt your secret meeting any further." He had a bite in his tone, clearly hating the fact, that he had not been invited.

I could have include him now, that he is here, now that we are talking. It would be so easy to say "You are welcome to stay Sebastian". I longed for the days when we were carefree and practiced unsanctioned (but not unforgivable) magic together for mere fun, here within these walls. I wanted to be able to crack jokes and laugh with my friends like we used to.

I was quick to forgive.

But slow to forget.

I tensed. Ominis waited for my reaction, but I knew what I had to do. "Don't take it personally, Sebastian, but I need Ominis's help with something," I said, trying to soften the blow.

My heart cried for the missed opportunity for the trio to be whole again, but my mind reassured me that I made the best possible decision.

"Would never." Sebastian's hurt was palpable. I could sense it emanating from his words. "I guess I see you around, Darcy."

As if the embrace of minutes ago had faded into the mists of the past, I found myself slipping back into the distant circle of last name bases, as if the connection we had established had never existed. My soul had been plunged into a void.

The moment Sebastian exited the Undercroft, Ominis started apologising profusely, but I interrupted him.

"It's alright, Ominis. We needed to start talking again eventually. Ignoring him forever was not an option."

"I'll have his head for talking to you like that," Ominis shook his head, clearly not at all pleased with Sebastian's behaviour.

I placed a hand on Ominis's shoulder. "Thank you for being on my side, but there's no need for that. We need to focus on saving Anne."

I felt a sense of guilt wash over me as I realized that I had never mentioned to anyone the fact that Sebastian had lashed out on me multiple times before. It wasn't just a one-time thing. He had called me ignorant last year and I wanted to punch him in the face. But for some reason, I found myself making excuses for him, trying to justify his behavior. There was an unwarranted understanding in me for him, even though he had hurt me time and time again.

"Although, I am glad we are trying to save Anne." Ominis continued." You can't imagine how much worse is her health now. She....doesn't resemble herself. Just like a shadow." he spoke lowly. The few orphaned candles in the room dimly lit his face, and I could see his words cast further shadows on his pale skin.

"It must be hard for you to see her in that state." I said, devastated to hear the news about Anne.

"Incredibly. The pain consumes her constantly, and I'm not sure if she has the energy to go through it all again," Ominis replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I would join you, but I'm afraid, she won't be happy to see me, as I was there too, when Solomon died." I said to him.

When Sebastian killed him.

And when I didn't turn him in.

Shivers run through my spine on that memory. I will never forget the moment when the green magic beam hit Solomon's body. The pain I felt for Anne and the helplessness I felt for Sebastian is still to this day, unbearable.

"I shall go alone. It's for the better," Ominis agreed.

A dark silence settled over the place, casting a veil of gloom over us, sucking the air out of my lungs.

Where are those good old days? I miss your sarcasm. How can I lift your veil to banish the sadness?

Am I just here to take advantage of you again? Like when I convinced you to show us the Scriptorium?

"Ophelia, I believe there was another matter you wanted to discuss?" His kind voiced pulled me out of the dark recesses of my thoughts. But I hesitated to ask for his help, worried about exploiting the legacy of his shameful ancestors.

"I do believe its to with you being an imaginary snake?" Ominis said playfully, and I was relieved to hear his true self shining through.

"That was the Babbling Beverage." I retorted. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't have stopped feeling of heat rushing into my face, nor could my cheeks stop turning into peppery reds. Thanked Merlin, Ominis couldn't actually see me right now.

"Are you blushing now?" He smiled.

"Huh! Are you sure you're blind?" I admitted reluctantly.

"Blind as bat, little snake. Your breathing changed."

I marveled at his ability to notice things like the rate of my breathing. I hoped, however, that his attention hadn't caught my loudly pounding heart at the mention of the nickname he gave me.

"Now, would you mind get to the point. You sparked my interest." Ominis continued.

"Alright, but I do have to apologise in advance." I was afraid of how he would react, I certainly wouldn't have helped myself.

Ominis raised an eyebrow as I began to speak. "Dear, you already sound suspicious."

With a sigh, I agreed that what I was going to say might not be for his palate. "I want to shamelessly capitalise on your abilities. But I swear it is for the greater good." I raised my hand in defence. "And no dark magic, but maybe a little bit of sssneaaking out is involved." I teased him.

"I hear what you did there Ophelia, spit it out, to what end you want my parseltongue abilities used for?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Hesitantly but I got to the point "I need to find a snake, which in fact might or might not exist."

"In Hogwarts?" He asked in disbelief.

I nodded and filled him in the details Deek provided me.

I pulled Deek's makeshift map from my pocket, so we could check it together.

"There are several X's marked near the Slytherin common room, as well as several bathrooms, storage areas, and a locked room," I read aloud. But when I saw the X on the restricted section of the library, I hesitated.

"What is it?" Ominis leaned in as if he could figure why I stopped. I decided to spare him the details to keep him out of trouble. "That's all," I said, hoping he wouldn't press further.
Before I could put away the parchment, he pinned it down with his wand and said an incantation I didn't recognize. A voice began to read out loud all the locations, including the one I had tried to hide.

"I don't take kindly to being lied to, even if it's well-intentioned," Ominis said sternly.

"I didn't mean to," I protested.

"Knowing you, wanted to spare me of trouble. But I am not a children, Ophelia. Believe it or not I would like to make my own decisions." He said firmly, but then like reading my mind he added" I won't lash out on you even if it will be something I would be reluctant to do."

I made my pledge "I promise on my Gryffindor honor, Ominis, that I will never lie or hide the truth from you again."

"A promise is only as good as its keeper," he reminded me.

As a reflex from my childhood, I saluted him, forgetting for a moment that he couldn't see the gesture.

"What did you just do?" he asked curiously.

"It's a gesture of respect from the muggle military. Let me show you," I said, taking his hand and guiding it to his forehead in a salute.

"So, all this is for the sake of a house elf's peace of mind?" he clarified.

"For a friend." I corrected him."

"Well then, shall we get started?" Ominis said. I smiled, grateful for his trust and eager to begin our impossible mission.

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