CHAPTER FIVE - Fortelling from the stars

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The following day, I hurried towards the Floor Flame statue in front of the Gryffindor common room. But as I approached, I came to a sudden halt, my heart sinking in dismay. The bronze statue that once showcased the esteemed witch, Ignatia Wildsmith, had undergone a peculiar transformation. Instead, I found myself face-to-face with strikingly familiar features.

"How nice to see you my young friend."echoed my own voice back to me.

Someone had tampered with the Floor Flame statue, perhaps as a jest in light of the previous day's Babbling Beverage incident. And yet, the subject of this mockery was none other than myself. It was an infuriating sight to behold, seeing my likeness immortalized in such an unwelcome manner.

Filled with frustration, I hastily moved towards the next statue, only to find it altered as well. And the next one, and the next—each sculpture mocking me with my own visage. It seemed that every statue in the vicinity had fallen victim to this whimsical act.

Defeated I decided to walk to my morning Beast Class, catching up with Poppy in the Bell Tower Courtyard.

"We shall hex whoever did this," Poppy declared, attempting to offer me comfort in her words.

I suspected an annoying, vindictive Slytherin girl behind it, but said nothing.

With my hood drawn up to conceal myself from prying eyes, I chanced upon Mr. Moon, engaged in a futile endeavor to restore one of the Floo Flame Statues to its original state. "I told Professor Black long ago that there are far too many unnecessary Floo flames like this. Students should walk more often, just like we did in my time. But no, he believes it's too convenient... oh, hush, you wretched witch," Mr. Moon grumbled, his frustrations pouring out as he cursed the statues.

Beneath my hood, I couldn't help but smile, silently agreeing with his sentiments. I had almost gone mad during my first week, unable to avoid the triggering proximity that activated Ignatia's voice.

Interrupting our thoughts, Poppy spoke up, breaking the silence that had settled between us. "Is it true that you applied to Ilvermorny?"

I nodded, intertwining my hands in front of me, a mixture of emotions swirling within me. Sebastian's outburst in front of the Great Hall had evidently spread throughout the school like wildfire.

"I had no idea it was so difficult for you," Poppy confessed, her tone filled with empathy. "We've heard rumours, Merlin, we all have. But I wish you had known that you could always turn to us for help. Natty, Amit, and I—we're here for you."

A sense of discomfort washed over me, causing me to avert my gaze. I couldn't fathom why I deserved their friendship, let alone their assistance.

"Thank you, Poppy. Your kindness means a great deal to me," I expressed, gratitude lacing my words. "But last year, I caused all of you so much trouble on multiple occasions. I didn't want to make your lives even more complicated, and I wasn't prepared to talk about it. I believed starting anew elsewhere was my best course of action."

She marinated on my words for a moment before responding, "I understand. But you didn't get us into trouble, Ophelia. It was my idea to investigate the poachers, and I would do it again. They deserved the consequences we brought upon them, and we managed to save so many."

I nodded, overwhelmed by the kindness and support of my friend. Having Poppy by my side meant more to me than words could express.

"I'm glad you decided to stay at Hogwarts, and whenever you're ready, I'll be here for you. Because you are my friend, and friends should always be there for each other," Poppy assured me, her words offering solace and understanding.

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