Whispers in the Forbidden Forest

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This is a shortie, I will come soon enough with the long one about the Demiguise hunt :)

During our detention party's walk to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, I kept reaching for my side where my pouch used to be.

I weirdly felt naked going anywhere unsanctioned without it.

Let's just hope our Demiguise hunt will be uneventful (who am I kidding).

Poppy walked next to me and said in a lower voice, trying to avoid being overheard by Sebastian and Garreth walking ahead of us, "I got your owl about you wishing to meeting a Centaur."

I responded, "I don't know what Amit was thinking. He certainly doesn't know much about the centaurs. They don't read silly wizard star charts. They gaze at the stars and interpret them directly."

Poppy nodded in agreement, "Not sure, even if they would bother to check it, and even if they do the results could be cryptic beyond understanding. Is it really that important?"

It was I realised, at that moment.

"If there is something about my future in there, I'd like to know about it. I'm done with fate giving me unsolicited surprises."

Poppy thought for a moment and then said, "Alright Ophelia, if that's what you need, I am here to help. I'll talk to Amit and arrange the meeting."

I thanked her, "I owe you a big one." Poppy waved me off as if it was nothing.

Garreth interrupted our conversation, "Ladies, what are you gossiping about?"

Sebastian chimed in, "Hope it's about me."

We looked at each other with Poppy, and I winked at her mischievously. "Actually, we were talking about my Quidditch Captain, Griffin."

"Your Quidditch Captain?" Both of them chanted back at the same time.

Poppy continued, "He was flirting with Ophelia during the whole tryouts."

"Was he?" Sebastian asked, his voice uncertain. Garreth's face turned slightly reddish.

"Oh yes," I replied in a seductive voice. "Finally a gentleman interested in me." I tossed my hair out of my face, and watched as Sebastian's face deadpanned.

"He is not a gentleman," Garreth said with a slight anger in his voice. I couldn't put my finger on why he seemed upset.

"He certainly is trying better than you lot," Poppy added.

"Would you please just focus on the task at hand?" Garreth explained, desperately wanting to change the subject. "We're here."

As we approached the ivy-covered gate that marked the entrance to the Forbidden Forest, Sebastian stepped by my side and whispered in my ear, "Wait till Ominis hears about your ventures with Griffin, little snake."

I froze on hearing the nickname Ominis had given me.

Sebastian's breath was hot against my skin, and I could feel his eyes on me, devouring me with a hungry gaze that made my heart race.

It traced up my neck, lingered on my jawline and cheeks, and finally, met my own with an intensity that could set the forest on fire. The tension between us was palpable, a seething mix of unspoken jealousy and unfulfilled desire. If jealousy could have been embodied, it would have taken on the form of Sebastian in that moment.

I took a deep breath, fighting to keep my voice steady despite the wild fluttering in my chest. "I'm surprised he still talks to you" I replied evenly, "yet alone calls you friend."

Sebastian's lips curved into a sneer, his eyes still fixed on me. The intensity of his gaze was almost too much to bear, and I found myself wishing I could escape it.

What have gotten myself into?

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