Chapter TWENTY - Empty Canvases

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Sorry for the late chapter, I was binge watching the new Bridgerton season, and now I am emotionally unwell :D

"Wake up, Ophi!" Natty's frantic voice roused me from my sleep the following morning. I turned over, my body heavy with fatigue from my late night escapades with Ominis. "Leave me be," I moaned.

"If only I could! But a certain Slytherin is demanding your presence. He threatens to set fire to the Fat Lady's portrait," she exclaimed, shaking me from my bed.

I knew all too well who she referred to, but I refused to forfeit my much-needed Sunday morning slumber. With a heavy heart, I pulled the covers over my head. "I care not for Sebastian's desires. He can find me at a more reasonable hour," I protested, the pang of drowsiness quickly dissipating from my body.

"He won't stop; he's making a spectacle! I refuse to let him terrorize our fellow housemates!" Natty yanked the covers off me. "Rise and shine this instant!"

I flailed and tossed about in disagreement, my blood boiling with fury. "It is Sunday!" I grumbled to Natty. "Why must he be so insufferable?

"Give him a sound whack on the head for me, would you?" she suggested.

"You can count on it." Without bothering to change from my nightclothes, I stormed out of our chambers and down the stairs, my anger fueling my steps. I crossed the common room and crawled through the hole behind the portrait.

"How dare you address me in such a manner? You lack the password, Slytherin. No password, no entry! Begone at once! Professor Weasley shall be informed of your behavior!" The Fat Lady screeched.

On that note, the portrait swung open, and I emerged from the hole with a scowl etched upon my face. Sebastian's face lit up upon the sight of me, but his cheeks reddened upon seeing my outfit. Without even bothering to wear shoes, I stood before him in my bare feet, my ankles exposed.

He collected himself and greeted me in his usual charming voice.
"There you are. Did I awaken you?" he asked.

I, still fuming, seized his robes and dragged him out of sight to a quiet corner. "It is seven in the morning, Sebastian," I hissed at him.

"I know, but Ominis has already left, and I need to do something. I can't sit idle even for a minute. I'm so concerned, Ophelia. What if he brings ill news from the hospital? You are the only one who can understand. That's why I'm here."

My expression softened, and I released his robes, gently smoothing out the creases where I had clutched them moments before. "I understand. You need a distraction. Will you join me in Hogsmeade today?"

He shook his head. "No, I must do something of worth."

"What do you have in mind?" I asked, my tone tinged with suspicion.

"Let's seek out the Keepers. Let's get some answers."

My heart sank. I'd deliberately avoided going there, even after mentioning it to Sebastian the last time we spoke. "I...I don't think today is a good day for that," I tried to dissuade him. "Can we perhaps revisit this idea another time?"

He grasped both of my shoulders. "Ophelia, please. We need to do this. The sooner, the better!"

"I do not know," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. My gaze was fixed upon the floor, unable to meet his eyes.

"I will be with you all the way." He promised, his voice gentled.

I marveled at his powers of persuasion, for he always seemed to win me over in the end. With a nod, I relented. "Fine, I'll go change, wait here."

The Keeper's Legacy | Ominis Gaunt | Sebastian SallowTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang