CHAPTER - THIRTY-SIX - Gratis Poltergeist part 2.

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I know I sat on this chapter for way too long. And surprise surprise, the quest is so long I couldn't finish it in two chapters, therefore there will be three chapters of the Haunted House quest. Hope you enjoy it, and feel free to leave comments, as I love reading them. :)

"Duck, Ominis!" I shouted, my voice tinged with panic, as I swiftly cast an Evanesco charm to obliterate a hurtling sofa that was making a beeline for us through the air. I was rapidly compiling an assortment of curses under my mouth at the previous shop owner.

No wonder the shop had been abandoned; the malevolent poltergeist had claimed it for its own chaotic games.

I couldn't believe I had fallen for this scam, dragging my friends into the chaos. The infuriating specter had the audacity to dangle a sinister promise before us, a deal to be had if only we managed to survive this diabolical ordeal.

Sebastian acted as my shield, throwing himself in front of me to intercept a careening wooden box. He cast a Bombarda spell, detonating the box before it could crash into his face. In the whirlwind of it all, Fastidio's voice reverberated around us, taunting us with cryptic phrases. "Two sides to every story,"

The objects in the room continued their assault, an onslaught of flying furniture propelled by an unseen hand.

"Can he not tell us his intentions in a straightforward manner? Must we endure his riddles on top off all of this?" Sebastian grumbled, his exasperation underscored by the resounding impact of a chair colliding with the wall.

My throat tightened as I witnessed Ominis's limp form hurtling toward the unforgiving surface.

I reacted on instinct.

"Arresto Momentum!" I bellowed, my voice commanding, as I cast the spell just in time. Its power halted Ominis's body, allowing Sebastian to carefully lower him to the floor. The wound on Ominis's forehead was severe, a deep gash that leaked red.

Hastily, I tore a piece of fabric from my cape and pressed it against Ominis's wound, staunching the flow of blood as best I could. With trembling fingers, I brushed his pale cheek, calling him to regain consciousness. "Ominis," I whispered, my voice a fragile plea.

I have never felt silence to be such unsettling before. Sebastian's anguished cry pierced through my dread, "Bloody hell, what should we do?" He cradled Ominis's head in his hands. "He can't drink Wiggenweld while he's out cold."

"Ominis!" I called out once more.

No response.

Panic tightened its grip on my chest. There was no spell in my repertoire that could handle this situation.

"Dammit, we can't lose him!" Sebastian's desperation echoed through the room. "Ophelia, he's bleeding too much..."

The blood was staining my hands, as Sebastian's hands flew to his mouth, his despair palpable. Loosing Ominis was not an option.

I bit my lip, a bold idea came to my mind. "Sebastian, hold him steady, keep his mouth open. I'll try something."

With unwavering trust, Sebastian complied without question. My hands fumbled within my pouch, finally grasping hold of an empty glass vial and a vial of Wiggenweld potion. Time was slipping through our fingers – Ominis's complexion was growing paler by the second. Focused and driven, I transfigured the vial into a makeshift feeding tube, elongated and slender. Carefully, I inserted it into his open mouth, sliding it down his throat. My mind raced with memories of seeing a nurse perform a similar procedure in a muggle hospital.

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