Chapter TWENTY SEVEN - Hangover Hogsmeade

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"Why on Merlin's beard did you have to drag us to Hogsmeade today of all days?" Sebastian paled, his voice filled with post-party weariness.

The three of us strolled towards the village, basking in the warm embrace of early autumn sunshine.

I personally savored the gentle rays, squinting my eyes and storing the warmth as a cherished memory for the upcoming harsh weather.

"Because someone thought it was amusing to toss all my gear into the lake, Sebastian, and now I need to replace it!" I shot back. Ominis walked beside me, his wand guiding him discreetly, clearly opting out of the argument.

"And why do you need us for that?" Sebastian continued, dramatically cradling his aching head. It seemed he was still feeling the effects of yesterday's butterbeer and mystery potions.

"You insisted on being included in extracurricular activities instead of just inviting Ominis," I replied playfully. "Besides, a walk does us good."

"Says the one who wouldn't go near the Floo Flames in the castle even if her life depended on it," Sebastian groaned.

And he hit the nail on the head. Until Mr. Moon, or whoever it may be, restores Ignatia's statues and, most importantly, her voice to its former glory, I can't bear to hear familiar phrases spoken in my own voice.

"Dear," Ominis turned to me. "It's been long enough now, I doubt the faculty will tolerate any more delays."

"Dear?" Sebastian interjected. "Ominis, when will you start calling me 'dear'?"

At that, Ominis and I burst into laughter. "When you stop whining," we replied in unison.

"Nevermind," Sebastian quipped, struggling to keep pace with us. "But if we don't go into Honeydukes, I'll be seriously ticked off," he grumbled.

Leaning closer to me, Ominis whispered, "We really should go in there. You don't know it yet, but a hungover Sebastian is worse than an offended Hippogriff."

"I heard that!" exclaimed Sebastian from behind us.

I let out another grunt and tapped Ominis' arm to show my agreement.

Our first stop was Galdrag's Wizardwear. Sebastian opted to sit on a nearby bench, claiming he needed some fresh air, while Ominis kindly accompanied me inside. I had already placed an order for the replacement pouch earlier, but there was another reason why it was important for me to visit.

As we entered the shop, the sound of our shoes tapping resonated on the pepita floor. Augustus Hill, as always, stood behind the semi-circular wooden counter, his beard neatly trimmed and his gaze fixed on his notes.

"Before you asks, I'm all out of the new socks! So If your feet is smelly you'll have to work it out for yourself." he quipped without even looking up. But when he finally glanced our way, his eyes lit up with excitement.

"Ah, Miss Darcy! And your companion..."

"Ominis Gaunt," he introduced himself hesitantly. Hill's expression darkened upon hearing his last name.

I frowned at the reaction, well aware that Ominis had to endure similar responses whenever he introduced himself. But he couldn't change the family he was born into. I immediately placed my arm around him, offering support, and led the way to the counter. "My dear friend and I," I emphasized the words, "have come to collect my ordered infinity pouch, and I'd also like to place another order."

"Certainly," Hill remarked, eyeing my Slytherin friend with curiosity. Ominis touched my hand in gratitude but remained silent.

"Here you are, gift-wrapped especially for you, as you're my favorite regular customer," Hill announced, handing me a small bag wrapped in elegant dark brown silk paper, which I thanked him for graciously.
"Now, what's the next order? Perhaps a new hat? The harsh weather will be here soon, and I know you wouldn't be caught wearing last year's outdated pieces!"

Ominis snorted at that remark, and with a playful wink, I told Hill that I would return for hats later, but I had a more specific request in mind.

From the pocket of my pale blue tailored coat, I retrieved a vial containing the slightly translucent, silvery shed hairs of my Demiguise creature.

"For Merlin's sake, is that what I think it is?" Hill exclaimed, and I nodded in confirmation.

"I was wondering if it would be possible to weave it into a cape."

"Of course! Although I rarely get such challenging work, I did create a few of these pieces as an apprentice, and I believe the craft still runs in my blood. Just wait a minute, I'll fetch your measurements," Mr. Hill enthused before disappearing into the back of the shop.

"You're getting an invisibility cloak made?" Ominis marveled.
"Oh yes, it could come in handy," I whispered, "especially when we need to sneak into the library's restricted section." Although I had a more specific purpose in mind.

"Well, I'm certainly looking forward to that," Ominis remarked with a touch of tartness.

After finalizing the details and ensuring that Mr. Hill could deduct the payment from my Gringotts account, Ominis and I exited Galdrag's shop. As we approached the bench where Sebastian had dozed off in the mere twenty minutes we were inside, Ominis began, "Ophelia, I just wanted to express my gratitude. You have no idea what it's like when..." He trailed off, biting his lip.

"When your name carries a weight of judgment due to your family's reputation?" I finished his sentence for him. He nodded, understanding passing between us.

"Well, I can relate in a different way." I started. "Obviously, my parents aren't dark wizards or anything like that, but my family name carries a certain notoriety in the Muggle world. My father owns a chain of saloons, and not all of our wealth was acquired through entirely legal means. To add to that, my mother is a socialite who is always at the center of New York's gossip about our family," I explained.

"That must be quite something," Ominis sighed, then added with curiosity, "I've always wondered how much of a London accent you have for an American."

I chuckled in response. "Oh, don't even get me started on that. I'm a dual citizen first and foremost, you know? My mother is a true Londoner through and through. When I started speaking with an American accent as a child, she used to playfully scold me with a stick, convinced that an American accent was below her standards."

"I must admit," Ominis remarked, "it seems neither of our mothers will be winning the Mother of the Year competition."

I defended my own mother, saying, "She may have her quirks, but she's not such a bad mother. She has her own unique way of showing love."

Before Ominis could respond, I walked over to Sebastian, who was blissfully snoring away, and gently shook him. "Wake up, sleepyhead!"

Sebastian startled and opened his eyes. "Ah, leave me alone!"

I needed a way to rouse him, so I teased, "Guess what Ominis said? While I gather everything I need, you're going to have coffee with him at Steeply and Sons!"

"What?" Ominis exclaimed, caught off guard by the unexpected arrangement, but I quickly motioned for him to go along with it.

Sebastian's eyes widened at the mention of coffee, and he quickly sat up on the bench. "Ominis, you're a mind reader! Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" He followed his declaration with a yawn.

I couldn't help but smile at their banter, while Ominis sighed disapprovingly. "Please, spare me the declarations of love. I haven't been able to get rid of you since our first year at Hogwarts."

Sebastian shrugged, still half-asleep. "Oh, stop being like that. Come on, I hope they have vanilla flavor!"

With that, I bid farewell to the boys and set off to gather all the necessary items for regrowing my chomping cabbages, venomous tentacles, mandragora, and restocking my potion ingredients.

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