Chapter ONE - Take a Brave Step

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1891. December 23rd.

"This was not here before." I murmured, as my hand brushed against the bare stone wall within Rookwood castle. I could feel the ancient magic reverberating under my fingertips. Placing my whole palm against the wall, I focused my energy, allowing it to flow through me and align with the traces of magic that lingered upon the surface.

A melodic resonance echoed through the chamber, and I felt the wall respond to my power. As soon as the accord was struck, an archway appeared before me, revealing a reflection of myself. As I gazed into the gateway, the golden light of the setting sun sparkled on my hair, and the chill air made my breath visible. My green eyes reflected my concerns as I peered into the other side, trying to make sense of what lay beyond.

Beside me, my companions stood, their unwavering loyalty as unbreakable as the stones that surrounded us.

Sebastian, always curious, asked, "What do you see?"

I had to concentrate to look through the reflection, and observe what was in the other side.

"I see a dense forest, it's evergreen, magical. It's hard to see further, and there is snow everywhere."

Ominis, ever the voice of reason, interjected, "Perhaps we should not investigate further. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and your mother is expecting us for the holidays. It would be unwise to let her down."

Sebastian stepped closer to me, his excitement palpable. "There is no time like the present, Ominis."

I agreed with him. Though my mother's displeasure at our possible delayed arrival was not to be taken lightly. However, I could not ignore the mystery that lay before us.

"It seems that someone with abilities same to mine has created this path, as it wasn't here the last time Sebastian and I were here almost exactly three months ago."

I pointed at the gate in front of us, though known very well neither of them could see it. "It could lead us to the very reason why someone is erasing Rookwood's past. We could finally uncover some answers."

"If you insist," Ominis agreed reluctantly.

"Hands," I called out, feeling the chill of the early winter weather settling in. Sebastian immediately grasped my hand, and I guided Ominis's to my other. Their hands were hot to the touch, one gentle, the other firm. Squeezing them both in reassurance, I took a step forward, leading them through the archway and into the unknown.

As we emerged from the archway into the freezing mountain air, Sebastian's complaint echoed through the hissing wind, "Could you not have conjured a path to a cozy fireplace? Must we always end up on some bleak mountaintop?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at his grumbling, his messy brown hair blowing wildly in the wind as he squinted to survey our surroundings. I checked on Ominis, who had already drawn his wand and activated a guiding spell, enabling him to navigate even the most treacherous terrain despite his lack of sight.

Glancing around, I realised we had arrived in a small clearing, the archway already hardened into a solid stone wall behind us. There was no discernible path to follow, only the dense expanse of forest stretching out before us. The sun was still high in the sky, indicating that we had indeed traveled a great distance - to the west, in all likelihood. My intuition told me that we had landed somewhere on the American continent.

"Which way?" I asked, feeling hesitant and unsure of our next move.

"Let us investigate those mountains," suggested Sebastian, gesturing towards the east where the trees were becoming sparse, and the rugged peaks were visible between the thick trunks.

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