Chapter 10

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The next day my sister was banging on my door trying to wake me up. "Y/N GET YOUR LAZY BUTT UP!" Harumi kept yelling that's when I heard the door open. "10 more minutes," I mumbled loud enough for her to hear. That's when I felt the hard floor against my body and felt like I was being dragged out of my room by my feet.

"Harumi, what the heck?!" I yelled as she dragged me out of bed.

"You have to wake up! We're going on a hike today!" she exclaimed, still dragging me towards the door.

I groaned and rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up. "Fine, fine, I'm up," I grumbled as I finally got to my feet.

Harumi grinned at me triumphantly, clearly proud of herself for getting me out of bed. I rolled my eyes and got dressed, trying to shake off the grogginess from my sleep.

We drove to the hiking trail and started our ascent up the mountain. The fresh air and beautiful scenery started to wake me up and put me in a better mood. Harumi chattered away excitedly, pointing out different plants and animals along the way.

As we reached the summit, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Harumi's persistence in getting me out of bed. The view from the top was breathtaking, and I felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over me.

"Thanks for dragging me out here," I said to Harumi, smiling.

"Anytime, bro," she replied, grinning back at me. "Now let's enjoy the view!"

After the view and the hike was done we went back home to the palace to see Jay and Kai giving us a concerning look. "Harumi! How many times have I told to never scream or yell in the palace to wake up your brother!" Father yelled.

I got in front of Harumi and protected her just in case. "Y/n, move out of the way your sister is grounded," father spoke. "No," I said and grabbed Harumi's hand and was about to take her to my room. That's when Lloyd, Zane, Jay, Kai, Nya, and Cole walked in.

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