Chapter 14

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I nodded in agreement and handed over the injured intruder to Zane. As he tended to the man's wounds, we kept a close eye on the other intruder, making sure he didn't try any sudden moves.

Once Zane had finished, we called the police and reported the break-in. It turned out that the intruders were part of a notorious gang that had been operating in the area for some time. Thanks to our quick action, they were both apprehended and brought to justice.

As we sat in the living room, recounting the events of the night, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction. We had managed to defend our home and protect our loved ones from harm. And while I hoped that we would never have to face such a situation again, I knew that we were ready to handle whatever challenges came our way.

I went to my room to see Harumi with the sword in her hand. "Whoa sis put that down," I said. Harumi moved the curtain and there was the red moon. "I know what you are y/n stay away from me," Harumi said.

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