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It was sunday and everyone were chilling... Well not really everyone. Someone was missing as he decided to stay in his room since morning...

They didn't bother to check up on him as it was normal for the younger male to sleep-in a little more than usual on Sunday...

But then his absence came to worry his siblings when he didn't show up for lunch either...

"Don't you think he is sleeping for way too long?" Asked Tae

"Yea... I guess it's the usual, playing video games all night like a Zombie and sleeping in the morning like a dead pig" remarked jimin bothered by his brother's sleep schedule which he definitely lacked in...

"But I saw him sleeping last night-" Replied Yu-ri who was busy with her phone

"And when was it?"

"Around 2am? Idk... I was thirsty and was going to his room to steal his water cuz the kitchen was too far... But then you know what? His water bottle was empty too- aish i had to walk aaaalll the way to the kitchen and back... That lazy pig- oh wait I also remember that he didn't even change his clothes... Lazy muscle pig pfft" She ended, face palming herself nagging about her careless brother

"I think we should check up on him-" Tae said looking at Jimin

"Yea less goo-


The latter groaned as he slipped and fell down in attempt to go upstairs

"Omy God lmao hahhahahah
Jiminiee op- bahahah"

They just looked at their oldest laughing their ass off not minding to help him get up...

Jimin was just there regretting his life choices and questioning himself on why he has such 'Cruel' siblings...

After a good 5 minutes of the laughing session they decided to get back on what they were initially gonna do...

Go check up on Jungkook


"FBI open up!"

Yuri yelled holding up a hand gun barging in her youngest brother's room...

"Stop that!" Said Taehyung but got a tongue-sticking-out-pig face in return

He just put a disgusted face as a reply and jumped on the bed earning a groan from the sleeping boy...

Yu-ri joined him and jumped on the bed making herself comfortable and legs rapped around her brother...

"Guys... Come on"


"Jungkook? Wake up its past 2:30 pm now!"


Yu-ri then shook him as he didn't respond to their oldest...

"Yaa wake up!" She said as she lightly slapped him and realised...


"WHAAATT!!!??? "



"He has fever omg... Fever fever fever"

The other two just looked at her wierdly and decided to check still being skeptical about their sisters reaction...

"Oh wait- he is really unwell-"

Said Tae as he checked Jungkooks temperature by comparing it to his...

"Oh no- aish let me call the doctor"

Jimin exited the room to call the doctor...


"Jungkook... Wake up!"

The said boy groaned, too tired to open his eyes...

"Come on... The doctor is her"

"Doctor?" He sat straight all the sleep in him slowly drifting away

"But why? I'm fine"

"No you're not. Now don't make a scene and be a good boy"

"Good boy" Yu-ri mocked him earning a glare in return

The siblings left leaving jungkook and the doctor alone

The doctor came out after few minutes and called them in...

"What's wrong with him doc?"
Jimin being the oldest asked

"Nothing serious... He has a fever and his body is exhausted... I need to inject glucose in him so that it won't be serious"

The brothers nodded understandingly unlike one who stood there boaring holes into the carpet...

"Inject? I- is there any other way?"
Asked the boy kinda terrified

"I'm afraid no... It's better to inject as it's faster. It won't hurt that much"

Yu-ri was "Awestruck" At how her buffed brother is scared of needles

"Awww are you scared u little baby bunny???" She said managing a fake squel..

"Shut up yu"

Jungkook stayed silent throughout and just looked at his oldest brother begging for help through his doe eyes...

Jimin sighed "Look kookie it's for the best... We will be here hmm don't worry"

The younger still didn't look convinced as his eyes started to tear up. But nonetheless he hesitantly nodded not wanting to seem weak...

The doc took the sign and took out the needle injector and positioned it on Jungkooks arm...

He first cleaned the spot with some rubbing alcohol and slowly injected the said glucose into the Revenette's body

The boy shut his eyes and pursed his lips tight... His other hand gripped onto the bedsheet below him and before he could tear the bedsheet...


The boy let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding and the tears he held for soo long now came out...

The doctor left the room with his other brothers to discuss some medication leaving Yu-ri with him...

The youngest just looked at him with soft and pitiful gaze

"Is it painful?" She asked making her way to his bed

Jungkook just nodded and moved further inn on his bed to make some space for his sister

"How about some ice cream and a binge night hmm???"

Yuri asked trying to cheer her brother up

Jungkook just nodded a smile making it's way to his face...

They cuddled and slept in the his room that night...



hee! This was a requested chap
Tysm for Requesting... The messages somehow got deleted and I don't quite remember who requested this
I'm sorry
But you know you!!

Ty ❤

MY BROTHERS  •A VMINKOOK FICTION Ft. Beomgyu• -slow UpdatesWhere stories live. Discover now