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Untold thoughts~

It was Wednesday and Jimin came to pick up Yu-ri from her Uni...

He texted her before hand so that she won't just go home by walk. And after waiting for about 15 minutes a small figure came towards the car...

She looked dead would be an understatement as she made her way lazily towards the 4-wheeler . Shoulders down, back bent, and an exhausted look embraced her face... Although Jimin was worried he couldn't help but laugh at how cute his little one looked at the moment...

He opened the door for her as she threw herself in and motioned him to start driving as she closed her eyes...

He just stared at her for a moment and started the engine of the car and drove away...

While driving he unconsciously kept on checking at her whether she is ok or not and was kinda worried as he noticed how his sister looked kinda sick n pale with weak body looking so fragile while sleeping ...

They reached home in about 20 mins and Yu-ri fell asleep by then which caused Jimin to wake her up. She opened her eyes slowly and groaned... She then got out of the car and made her way towards her room and threw herself on the bed and let out a sigh...

A semester was about to end which meant that exams are about to come which resulted in the Uni giving out loads of work and home work to students which stressed yuri out. Her team mates whome she was supposed to do the project with were completely hopeless and she ended up doing the entire project by herself. Least to say, she was exhausted and the thought of going to the same class and doing the same thing over again made her head hurt...

She laid on the bed for a about 15 mins trying to sleep but unfortunate to her that she couldn't even get a blink of it. She groaned and got out of her bed and made her way towards her washroom and got changed.

Meanwhile Jimin was pacing around the corridor corresponding her room as to whether he should go in or not...

He was really worried about his sister but also wanted to give her some time

What if she thinks I'm nosy

Or an annoying brother

Or maybe think that I always meddle with her stuff

She is a grown up

She can take of herself

She doesn't need a brother




Ughhh fuck it

He just srugged of all the thoughts running around his head and slowly knocked on the door

He waited for a good 30 secs but frowned when he got no reply

He twisted the knob slowly and saw her empty bed. His heart almost fell apart but his frown got reliaved once he heard the running tap water from the bathroom

She must be in the bathroom

Nothing to worry

Just as if on cue
Yu-ri made her way out of the bathroom with a hoodie that almost engulfed her and a loose pajama pants to go with it
Jimin had to fight the urge to coo at her...

"Oh! When did u get here?"

She asked surprised by the visitor in her room

"Just now... " There was a silence


" Jimin...

They both let out amused chuckles...

"U go first since ur the older" She said with a thug smile

Jimin decided to shrug it off getting used to her teasing about his age by this time

He let out a sigh before he began...

"Hey... Are you alright? Is something exausting you? I know college and all are soo stressful and exausting but it ain't just it... Something's bothering you and I can feel it... I ain't forcing u to let it out but I just want you to know that I'm here no matter what... All three of us are always here and always will be"

Yuri just let out a hum
She didn't know how to react
Sure she was extremely thankful to her brothers love and care but she also couldn't help but feel like a burden
They did have a talk about how she isn't a burden and what so ever
But her mind was soo clowded lately
All the work stressing her head
She felt like a huge mountain or a boulder was on her
Pressing her down
She was frustrated at how she was such a mess
How she couldn't cope up when all others are doing just fine
She hated how she had to show that everything is fine
But it's not the case
She didn't know what's wrong
She didn't felt the the need to cry, the right to cry... Why should she be sad when she had everything that she ever needed in life? She felt like she had no right to be sad cuz others had it worse
She felt like she was being ungreatful and a disappointment to her brothers
She felt that she didn't deserve them

Though she wanted to say all that out... She couldn't

It felt like her body suddenly forgot how to use her voice box

Instead there was this lump that was slowly forming at the end of her throat almost suffocating her

Tears raced to her eyes making them shine under the yellow light of her room

Jimin's heart broke at scene unfloding in front of him

He felt horrible. He wanted to protect her at all costs. He wanted to end her suffering. He wanted her to smile again. He didn't know what was wrong but he knew something was

He didn't waste any time and engulfed her into a warm hug

She didn't hug back but rested her head on his shoulder inhaling the comforting scent and listening to his heart beat
It instantly bought relief over her

Jimin kissed her crown and she just left out soft sobs and tears soaking the white tee he was wearing

But he couldn't care less about that now

All that matters to him now was the small fragile figure in his arms that he took a vow to protect the next second she came into this world...

His sister

Who meant the world to him


Ok first of all... Ummm
Sorry for not updating
I'm pretty sure I said I'mma update regularly but a lot was happening irl n now I found time after soo long so finally decided to post this

Hope ya liked it

Thanks for reading!

Take care of urselves... Remember you come before anyone!


- jinius sheet

MY BROTHERS  •A VMINKOOK FICTION Ft. Beomgyu• -slow UpdatesWhere stories live. Discover now