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Ever since y/n was young she had dreamed of being a stylist for movies seeing people on screens knowing all the talent and art that went behind the scenes to resemble and make what is on scene come to life. It made her excited she always knew that it was what she was going to want to do for the rest of her life.

most people had very little faith in her thinking she'd grow up get her silly dreams out of her head and have a real job in the office with a husband and a kid or two, and live lonely and sadly like everyone else did. But y/n was dedicated to her dream. She passed school with soaring colors taking cosmetology classes on the side. 

With how well she did in school her counsellors thought she would be going to a school like Harvard seeing as she could easily go on scholarship. they tried to convince her that almost everyone who does cosmetology really don't get anywhere in life and going to a high ranked school assured a good future for herself she refused knowing what she wanted and that she was going to anything to get where she wanted to in life. 

She ended up at a cosmetology school that had high rankings she wanted to know she was putting her life savings of money into the right school. And after years and years of learning she graduated and got everything she needed to be able to start her dream. 

she got her first few jobs for smaller movies and shows growing and growing to become a well known sfx, makeup, and hair stylist for movies and shows she had many job opportunities. She loved doing sfx for horror type shows and movies unlike what she's hired for most of the time doing normal hair to match characters and makeup she did not get to do as much sfx as wanted but she did not care, if her younger self saw where she is now she would probably die from happiness. 

Along with her job she figured out so many other things she did not as a teenager because her younger self was so ingulfed with her grades and passing to make it to where she is now. She found a sense of style being mostly (your style) she had figured out she really liked women too and not so much men. And when she came out to her family they were mostly very supporting except her father, he was very right wing women with men with 4 kids idea of life not the life that y/n was leading so far, he said to her to come to her senses and pray for forgiveness of the lifestyle she has lead herself so far. but y/n could never fully cut off her dad before she had came out her dad was her best friend and hoped everyday he could be more excepting and loving of her. she knew that day would not come for a long long time if ever.

She ignored her feelings about her dad with her job her job she adored and loved so much, She was looking through the applications for jobs and came across a e-mail from a very familiar name "Bella ramsey?" Y/n said outloud clicking on the e-mail intrigued by the name it read 

"To y/n, we are big fans of your work we see you do in movies and shows and would love if you would be intrested to working on sfx, hair, and makeup for our team on the upcoming show the last of us" 

Y/N knowing the video game from playing it herself instantly accepted the offer for the job. She was nervous and excited knowing that this will be one of her first mainly sfx jobs she would do. not even 30 minutes later y/n got a email back having all of the info for the job, as she scanned over the job details she realized she had to go to Canada for her new job she panicked knowing how expensive that would be almost going into a panic mode and then she actually read the email seeing at the top in bold letters "ALL EXPENSISES WILL BE PAID BY US"  she laughed at her stupidity. She needed to be in Canada soon as soon as the tickets transfer to her phone almost seconds later she got the notifcation that her flight would be the next day popped up on her phone. "God damn they need me soon" she giggled to herself. She packed all she needed for the months shed spend on set and set up her hotel booking with the people who hired her after all she went to bed barely being able to sleep from the excitment surging through her like lightning. 

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