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Two completely different alarms going off in two separate tones woke up the two cuddling on the couch Y/n groaned and started getting up placing her hand on Bella chest, She felt Bella's arm go around her waist and pull her back down onto Bella. "Bella you gotta let me go the alarms are annoying." and with that Bella let her get up and went to turn off her and Bella's alarm. She walked over to the couch where Bella was sitting. "C'mon it is in fact time for you to get up." y/n said leaning down. "or hear me out" Bella replied with grabbing y/n's wrist "you come and lay on me again and we pretend work isn't a thing? Sound like a better idea than getting up and driving." Bella sat up and pulled y/n closer to her and tricking y/n into falling onto the couch. "You fucker we need to work remember what the boss said yesterday?" y/n said

Bella laid down forcing y/n to lay down with them. "Yes he said when we feel better to come back. And oh no I feel so sick all of a sudden magically" Bella said putting on a fake cough. Y/n laughed and made a attempt to get up but pulled right back down by Bella who was pretending to sleep. "Bella." Y/n said "I'm asleep" Bella replied with turning her head to the side. Y/n moved her face back to her so they were staring at one another. Bella let her arms loose and leaned her head up to kiss y/n.

knowing Bella let her guard down y/n rolled out of Bella's arms. "HEY" Bella said feeling the weight leave her top. They sat up sitting normally, his legs spread up arms resting on his legs sadly looking up at y/n. "Come on get up Bella." Y/n said "what if I told you I might've already texted them that we were in fact not going to come onto set today?" "BELLA" Y/n said faking being mad. "Don't be mad at me you know you want to spend the day with me." Y/n smiled and couldn't help but feel a warmth in her chest. She looked back at Bella and saw the sincerity in her eyes. "I do want to spend the day with you," she said softly, "but we can't keep putting off our responsibilities forever." She leaned in and kissed Bella's forehead before getting up, taking Bella's hand in hers as she started to walk away. "Come on, let's go. We can make the most of the day and get our work done early." With a hopeful smile, she pulled Bella up and led the way out of the door.
"You know we aren't even dressed yet?" Bella said
"SHIT" Y/n replied turning around and pushing Bella back inside. "Go get dressed meet me out by the car." y/n said. "alright but I'M DRIVING." Bella said shouting the last words as Y/n left their line of sight.

Y/n didn't respond quickly getting ready as fast as she possibly could. And practically running out the door. Bella following taking his time.

When they both got to the car Bella climbed into the drivers seat and y/n in the passenger. To back out of the parking Bella sneakily placed their hand on y/n's thigh and looked back to pull out. Y/n noticed but wasn't going to object against it. After about 10 minutes of driving Y/n realized that they were driving to the set, Bella saw that y/n caught on. "Where are we going Bella?" y/n asked looking at them. "You'll see" Bella said glancing at that with a smile.

(That's all you get sorry I'll write another part soon I swear)
(Btw my tiktok is- fr0g0nl3galdrugz. I'm on a break right now which is why i haven't uploaded here in a second either but it would mean a lot if you would check me out on there.)

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