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Y/n pov

"Hey wake up" I hear as I'm being shooken awake, rubbing my eyes as they flutter awake still tired, it's still so dark outside, I start becoming aware of my surroundings and see my old apartment and realize I'm in my old car and look over and se Bella with most the luggage on around their arms or on their back, "you know I can help you with that why are you carrying everything?" I asked Bella, Bella smiled "No it's fine just c'mon let's go they replied softly. I hopped out of these car locking the doors to the car, walking with Bella behind me key in hand to my apartment the weird feeling of being half awake and walking around on the uneven pavement ground, I took in a breath of the cold air outside, refreshing and trying to wake myself up so I can fix anything needed to once inside the apartment. Once we arrive at the door I get my key from underneath the flower pot unlocking the door but failing too many times to admit because the sleepiness was interfering how I was functioning. Stepping inside, Bella threw off her shoes so I did the same, we sorted what needed to be put away and what could wait for tomorrow before we actually went to sleep, deciding on being too tired to do anything so fuck unpacking and packing, but then the realization that in order to get to the bedroom that meant walking up the stairs sounded dreadful with the jet lag from the long flight, but alas I pushed through and practically threw myself onto my bed that I haven't layed in, in so so long. Bella laughed as she sat down next to me, I cling myself onto her and fall asleep.

____ next morning ____

The Sun hit my face waking me up the next morning, rubbing my eyes pushing my hair out of my face, I look over and see no Bella next to me anymore, as much as my body was telling me to just go back to sleep I knew I only had 3 days here and needed to pack and get out to leave for the UK with Bella, so I stumbled out of bed walking to my bathroom, the lights hurting my eyes when flipped on, looking at myself in the mirror "God damn I'm a mess" I say aloud to myself.
I clean myself up and walk downstairs and see a wild Bella in basketball shorts and a oversized t-shirt with some dumb print on it their hair thrown into a shitty bun, I smile looking to them "good morning" Bella gleams at me with a smile, "morning love" they say tilting their head to the side as they smile, "we have a lot of stuff to do today" they sigh,
walking down the steps "yeah we do" I reply as they pull me into a hug. "Can I just throw away all my stuff please?" I ask Bella "You have so much stuff you know how many trips it's take from here to the donation center?" They laugh. I sigh looking at them "what if i just take what I really want and need and leave the house full with everything else?" I suggest looking at Bella, they look back to Me "I mean you could do that might be a pain for the people who rent out this place" they respond, "but like at the same time when I moved in a lot of the furniture that is here currently was already here so I see absolutely no problem with leaving it here" "alright alright fine" they said in my response

- time skip after everything is packed because I'm lazy 😍

Popping down on the couch my eyes closed, the feeling of eyes watching me is all that could be sensed I opened my eyes to see Bella simply staring at me "what-?" "huh nothing flight back to my home is tomorrow evening I think, do you want something to eat? Uh should we just go to sleep, how are you?" Bella said "you know you have to give me a minute to answer the questions right?" I asked looking at Bella "yeah, uh sorry I don't know what just happened I'm just not all there right now" Bella sighed looking at me "well how about we go and get some food alright? You're probably hungry and tired there's a little place I like literally right down the street" I suggested getting up walking to Bella to help them up too," sounds good to me love" he replied

And then they got dinner 😍


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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